Passing through a doorway impairs memory

It sounds a bit strange, is not it? We all go through every day in all kinds of doors of a huge amount of time, and no one loses from this memory. However, if you think about it, this makes sense. For example, who does not happen like this: come to the other room and forget why you went there immediately, as soon as walked through the door? And that explains the science.
Passing through a doorway really impairs memory - the conclusion made by scientists from the University of Notre Damv Indiana, USA, which conducted a series of psychological tests using hardware virtual reality: first student volunteers carry boxes from room to room in virtuality, and then in real conditions. It was found that in all cases the participants of the experiment was difficult to remember what is in the box, if they go to another room. "Out the door is" foreign events "in thinking that separates episodes of activity and" deliver them to the archive "- says Professor Gabriel Radwanska. - Forgot your decision or action that took place in another room, it is difficult because they belong to another category of thinking ».
via factroom.ru
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