Russian scientists synthesized new analog spider protein

Experts GNII Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov and FNTS of Transplantation and Artificial Organs. VI Shumakov for more than 15 years developing technology for materials from unique spider proteins - spidroin-1 and 2-spidroin. These analogs are highly resistant to chemicals, and compatibility with living tissues. However, to obtain accurate copies of spider silk proteins is not possible because of their large size. Because of this, researchers create more sophisticated counterparts. In particular, recently, biologists have synthesized another artificial gene - similar spidroin-2 giant Madagascar orb-weaver spider (Nephila madagascariensis). The gene consists of 4212 base pairs and encodes a protein comprising 1404 amino acids.
The resulting gene introduced into the cells of the yeast Pichia pastoris metanolokislyayuschih and yeast Saccharomices cerevisiae. Analysis showed that both types of yeast protein synthesized in approximately equal amounts, and purified spidroin practically do not differ from each other.
There are two main problems faced by scientists. Firstly, the structure spidroin not yet fully deciphered, and scientists are only available for the analysis of protein sequence fragments, and analogs are obtained because imperfect. Secondly, biologists have not yet learned to play the processes occurring in the spinnerets. Both issues have a common solution - we need to improve the consistency and structure of analog and match the conditions under which an artificial spidroin still turn into a thread.
New spidroin resulting analogue-2 was used to simulate the processes occurring in the iron spider in spinning yarn. To this end, the protein solution was added ethanol for dehydration, strongly shaken, sonicated and analyzed occurring with structural changes of the protein molecule. Web of scientists, alas, not spryali, but to the problem approached.
In parallel, the scientists involved in producing biomaterials technology directly from the protein. As it turned out, if they treat the salts or ultrasound, spidroinovye analogues form supramolecular structures, which can be made from yarn, film, capsules, sponges, hydrogels and other medical supplies. They do not cause rejection and allergic reactions and dissolve slowly in the body.
These materials support the adhesion and effective division of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells), and after the implantation of laboratory animals provide vascular growth and germination of connective, fat and nervous tissue in the extracellular structure, that is, they may be useful in wound healing.
Source: www.strf.ru
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