In Germany, the Olympic Games were held for the hipsters

Fashionable young people gathered on July 21 in Berlin at your own sporting event - the Olympic Games hipsters, 2012. The event brought together more than 6,000 people who took part in nine ironic sports games.

Although the number of applicants, the jury selected just 60 participants. "We have to take away the coolest," - said 24-year-old Alexander Bernikas, head of the committee hipster Olympics. The program included wearing tight jeans, jumping canvas bag, pulling jeans and throwing glasses horn-rimmed glasses.

Twelve teams, each of which had 5 people competed for the title hipster 2012. This year the winner was a team Jam FM, complete with leading local radio station. They expect a gilded bottle of Golden Club Mate - much caffeine carbonated drink, which is very popular among hipsters and computer hackers in Europe. The drink is produced under the slogan "You get used to it," so that on its taste can argue, but hipsters claim that if you do not know what that is, then you are not hipster.

via factroom.ru
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