6 most unusual medical practices
We offer you a selection of strange and exotic medical procedures that are used in different countries.
1. "The coffin with the music of"
This method is gaining popularity in the Chinese city of Shenyang (the capital of Liaoning Province). To date, about a thousand people have already experienced the miraculous power of "resurrection from the dead».
People who have experienced stress or being in a very depressed state, offer "reborn" through imitation of death under the supervision of psychologists. In the center of psychological assistance for this purpose a special room in an area of five square meters, which is prepared according to the rules of the coffin.
Before climbing into a coffin, a man writes a suicide note. To create the appropriate atmosphere "deceased" even include recording requiem mass. It is laid in a coffin, covered with a white veil, and close the cover. And five minutes later is heard a baby crying, then a consultant opens the coffin for some life-affirming music. They say that helps.
2. "Slap beauty"
A doctor trained in cosmetology wisdom in Taiwan, opened a San Francisco saloon, where the youth is returned via ... slaps. Traditional Thai rejuvenating therapy includes flip flops and a massage and really helps to remove wrinkles, narrow pores and increase elasticity of the skin without surgery. The first in the Western Hemisphere specialist rejuvenation takes a slap in the face for each 15-minute session for $ 350 and is very popular.
3. "Rail" terapiya
Very strange method of treatment practiced in Indonesia: every day people are on the rails in the hope that the electrical vibration of the approaching train would heal them from diseases. This national method appeared thanks to the legend of the desperate Chinese who wanted to commit suicide and is located on the tracks, but then suddenly realized that his body was miraculously freed from the terrible disease.
And now, people with diabetes or high blood pressure regularly get together to lie down on the tracks. They are literally to the last and jump in front of the "nose" of the train, and then fall back to let the vibration of the structure receding through his body.
People remain loyal to this strange form of self-medication, despite the obvious danger to life and the threat of arrest.
4. Dog psihoterapiya
You've probably already heard about the treatments that use dogs, but there is a very special case - we are talking about dogs psychotherapist.
People who love to talk with your pets - are not uncommon. And for those who do not have any compassionate cat or dog understands everything, there is now a therapy dog, which tailed the doctor with clever eyes betrayed patiently listen to you "one on one».
The idea of creating such a method has been seen as a survey which found that 85% of owners of cats and dogs talk to animals of problems in relationships, at work or at home.
5. "Schekotochnaya" terapiya
Tickling in people with sensitive skin is associated with torture rather than treatment, but specialists from CosquilleArtespa (Spain) believe that tickling can achieve amazing therapeutic results. True, this is not an ordinary tickling - in its purpose does not include a person to get to writhe and squirm.
During the session, two people lightly touch the patient's body with his fingertips, often added to them, and yet gentle touch feathers. The effect of such a procedure - relaxing and soothing.
The creator of the method Isabel Ayres believes that in this way the patients' return to childhood, reliving the earliest pleasant ».
6. "Rebirth"
It is a controversial therapy "rebirth" or "rebёrfing" is used for the treatment of so-called "attachment disorder in childhood," arising from the "lack of emotional contact with the children's parents." Most of these disorders occur in foster children. Disputed this therapy is called due to a series of scandals associated with it; Flash rebёrfingu interest arise whenever someone dies. At the moment, documented six such cases.
In the year 2000, for example, during rebёrfinga of asphyxia died ten years' Candace Nyumeyker. Her tight perepelenali several layers of fabric and forced to choose - to "reborn." Besides the fact that the girl's body was tightly compressed, she had to overcome the resistance of therapists and foster mother, who put pressure on it from above its weight. This weight in total exceed 300 kilograms. Candice has not managed to get out and suffocated under the cloth. The video, which was conducted during the session can be heard pleading: "I will die. Please, I do not what to breathe. "" You want to die? - This is the answer of the therapist. - Then die. Come on, now die ».
When the girl finally unwrapped, she was unconscious. The hospital established the fact of death.
After the incident in Colorado rebёrfing it was banned, and four members of the tragedy went to jail.
Source: www.mixstuff.ru
via factroom.ru
1. "The coffin with the music of"

This method is gaining popularity in the Chinese city of Shenyang (the capital of Liaoning Province). To date, about a thousand people have already experienced the miraculous power of "resurrection from the dead».
People who have experienced stress or being in a very depressed state, offer "reborn" through imitation of death under the supervision of psychologists. In the center of psychological assistance for this purpose a special room in an area of five square meters, which is prepared according to the rules of the coffin.
Before climbing into a coffin, a man writes a suicide note. To create the appropriate atmosphere "deceased" even include recording requiem mass. It is laid in a coffin, covered with a white veil, and close the cover. And five minutes later is heard a baby crying, then a consultant opens the coffin for some life-affirming music. They say that helps.
2. "Slap beauty"

A doctor trained in cosmetology wisdom in Taiwan, opened a San Francisco saloon, where the youth is returned via ... slaps. Traditional Thai rejuvenating therapy includes flip flops and a massage and really helps to remove wrinkles, narrow pores and increase elasticity of the skin without surgery. The first in the Western Hemisphere specialist rejuvenation takes a slap in the face for each 15-minute session for $ 350 and is very popular.
3. "Rail" terapiya

Very strange method of treatment practiced in Indonesia: every day people are on the rails in the hope that the electrical vibration of the approaching train would heal them from diseases. This national method appeared thanks to the legend of the desperate Chinese who wanted to commit suicide and is located on the tracks, but then suddenly realized that his body was miraculously freed from the terrible disease.
And now, people with diabetes or high blood pressure regularly get together to lie down on the tracks. They are literally to the last and jump in front of the "nose" of the train, and then fall back to let the vibration of the structure receding through his body.
People remain loyal to this strange form of self-medication, despite the obvious danger to life and the threat of arrest.
4. Dog psihoterapiya

You've probably already heard about the treatments that use dogs, but there is a very special case - we are talking about dogs psychotherapist.
People who love to talk with your pets - are not uncommon. And for those who do not have any compassionate cat or dog understands everything, there is now a therapy dog, which tailed the doctor with clever eyes betrayed patiently listen to you "one on one».
The idea of creating such a method has been seen as a survey which found that 85% of owners of cats and dogs talk to animals of problems in relationships, at work or at home.
5. "Schekotochnaya" terapiya

Tickling in people with sensitive skin is associated with torture rather than treatment, but specialists from CosquilleArtespa (Spain) believe that tickling can achieve amazing therapeutic results. True, this is not an ordinary tickling - in its purpose does not include a person to get to writhe and squirm.
During the session, two people lightly touch the patient's body with his fingertips, often added to them, and yet gentle touch feathers. The effect of such a procedure - relaxing and soothing.
The creator of the method Isabel Ayres believes that in this way the patients' return to childhood, reliving the earliest pleasant ».
6. "Rebirth"

It is a controversial therapy "rebirth" or "rebёrfing" is used for the treatment of so-called "attachment disorder in childhood," arising from the "lack of emotional contact with the children's parents." Most of these disorders occur in foster children. Disputed this therapy is called due to a series of scandals associated with it; Flash rebёrfingu interest arise whenever someone dies. At the moment, documented six such cases.
In the year 2000, for example, during rebёrfinga of asphyxia died ten years' Candace Nyumeyker. Her tight perepelenali several layers of fabric and forced to choose - to "reborn." Besides the fact that the girl's body was tightly compressed, she had to overcome the resistance of therapists and foster mother, who put pressure on it from above its weight. This weight in total exceed 300 kilograms. Candice has not managed to get out and suffocated under the cloth. The video, which was conducted during the session can be heard pleading: "I will die. Please, I do not what to breathe. "" You want to die? - This is the answer of the therapist. - Then die. Come on, now die ».
When the girl finally unwrapped, she was unconscious. The hospital established the fact of death.
After the incident in Colorado rebёrfing it was banned, and four members of the tragedy went to jail.
Source: www.mixstuff.ru
via factroom.ru
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