French chemist Antoine Lavoisier after his penalty had a science experiment
Surely you've heard the name of Antoine Lavoisier, French chemist, famous thanks to such achievements as the creation of a metric table and the opening of hydrogen as an element of the periodic table.
In 1794, the year Lavoisier fell victim to political intrigue and a 50-year-old was sentenced to death by gilotirovanie on charges of revolutionary conspiracy. He begged for mercy, so that he could continue his scientific work, but he was denied clemency.
After a year of the conclusion of the scientist finally taken to the guillotine. Lavoisier said that after the execution will put the last in the life of the experiment - check whether he can blink after he cut off his head, and if so, for how long. According to various sources, eye to be cut off the head scientist blinked More from 15 to 30 seconds, to the amazement of the spectators and the executioner.
via factroom.ru
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