Through meditation, you can change the temperature of your body and slow down metabolism
Amazing ability of Tibetan yogis still izuchayutsya
Some Tibetan monks have the ability to raise the temperature of the skin on the fingers and toes by as much as 9, 5 ° C, while the rest of the body temperature remains normal.
Scientists from Harvard University, led by Herbert Benson first learned of the monks through cooperation with the Dalai Lama, visited Harvard in 1979 and agreed to persuade the monks to help scientists. In the 1980s, researchers have launched a series of visits to Tibetan monasteries.
They found that Monks can raise the surface temperature of the body, while the core temperature remains unchanged, moreover, a Sikhime, India, some Monks can slow its metabolism by 64%. In comparison, when you sleep, your metabolism is reduced by 10-15%.
Also, scientists have noted a striking ability of the monks spend the night on the rocky ledges in the Himalayas: the monks were dressed in plain clothes from the wool without any additional heaters and slept on the cold rock in the distance from each other.
They are all night felt quite comfortable at an altitude of 4, 5 km at an ambient temperature of -17 ° C - these conditions must be fatal to humans, but the camera did not record even a small flicker of bodies. When the monks woke up, they quietly went back to his monastery, and the cold did not pay attention, while the scientists and crew in their warm coats to the morning froze much.
It is not known how the monks manage to generate heat, but magnetic resonance imaging of the brain during meditation, the monks showed that at this time of increased blood flow to areas of the brain responsible for control of attention and autonomic functions like blood pressure and metabolism.
via factroom.ru

Some Tibetan monks have the ability to raise the temperature of the skin on the fingers and toes by as much as 9, 5 ° C, while the rest of the body temperature remains normal.

Scientists from Harvard University, led by Herbert Benson first learned of the monks through cooperation with the Dalai Lama, visited Harvard in 1979 and agreed to persuade the monks to help scientists. In the 1980s, researchers have launched a series of visits to Tibetan monasteries.
They found that Monks can raise the surface temperature of the body, while the core temperature remains unchanged, moreover, a Sikhime, India, some Monks can slow its metabolism by 64%. In comparison, when you sleep, your metabolism is reduced by 10-15%.
Also, scientists have noted a striking ability of the monks spend the night on the rocky ledges in the Himalayas: the monks were dressed in plain clothes from the wool without any additional heaters and slept on the cold rock in the distance from each other.
They are all night felt quite comfortable at an altitude of 4, 5 km at an ambient temperature of -17 ° C - these conditions must be fatal to humans, but the camera did not record even a small flicker of bodies. When the monks woke up, they quietly went back to his monastery, and the cold did not pay attention, while the scientists and crew in their warm coats to the morning froze much.
It is not known how the monks manage to generate heat, but magnetic resonance imaging of the brain during meditation, the monks showed that at this time of increased blood flow to areas of the brain responsible for control of attention and autonomic functions like blood pressure and metabolism.
via factroom.ru