Cats purr not only pleasure, but also from stress and fright
Purring cats helps heal faster rany
Cats know how to purr through tremendous control over the muscles of his throat when they laryngeal muscle twitch, it is very hard vocal cords stretched cats that purr and calls on the inhale and exhale. Most often, we think of a cat purring, she was pleased, but cats also purr when they're scared, upset or injured. Most cats purr when they are in a stressful situation - for example, at a reception at the vet or when meeting strangers dangerous creature.
As purring occurs because the breathing, the sound of a regular rhythm, it has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hz. The same sound frequency accelerates the recovery of bones and muscles - scientists do not believe that it is a mere coincidence. This may explain why cats purr when wounded - because they help to treat his own body, as well as the sound is due to their breathing, such treatment requires almost no energy costs.
By the way, it is useful not only for cats: Research Center of stroke in Minnesota show that the risk of stroke among cat owners is reduced by as much as 40%.
Purring may not all cats. Cats are capable of growling, do not know how - the structure of the vocal cords they have quite different. However, purr at the same frequency can not only domestic cats, but also cheetahs, ocelots and other "small" wild cats. This confirms the theory that cats purr not only to please the owners.
When cats are happy, they also begin to purr - then they are, according to their reputation, are converted into small manipulators. Researchers from the University of Sussex have found that within the range of 25-150 Hz, there is another sound - a hidden cry at a frequency of between 220 and 520 Hz. This rate is very similar to the cry of the human child.
Purring - an important part of the cat's interspecies communication: so little kittens attracted the attention of the mother. The same cat do for people - for a pleasant soothing sound hiding demanding call for attention. Purring does not allow you to ignore the cat and is a guarantee that you will continue to do something that the cat remain happy.
via factroom.ru

Cats know how to purr through tremendous control over the muscles of his throat when they laryngeal muscle twitch, it is very hard vocal cords stretched cats that purr and calls on the inhale and exhale. Most often, we think of a cat purring, she was pleased, but cats also purr when they're scared, upset or injured. Most cats purr when they are in a stressful situation - for example, at a reception at the vet or when meeting strangers dangerous creature.
As purring occurs because the breathing, the sound of a regular rhythm, it has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hz. The same sound frequency accelerates the recovery of bones and muscles - scientists do not believe that it is a mere coincidence. This may explain why cats purr when wounded - because they help to treat his own body, as well as the sound is due to their breathing, such treatment requires almost no energy costs.
By the way, it is useful not only for cats: Research Center of stroke in Minnesota show that the risk of stroke among cat owners is reduced by as much as 40%.
Purring may not all cats. Cats are capable of growling, do not know how - the structure of the vocal cords they have quite different. However, purr at the same frequency can not only domestic cats, but also cheetahs, ocelots and other "small" wild cats. This confirms the theory that cats purr not only to please the owners.
When cats are happy, they also begin to purr - then they are, according to their reputation, are converted into small manipulators. Researchers from the University of Sussex have found that within the range of 25-150 Hz, there is another sound - a hidden cry at a frequency of between 220 and 520 Hz. This rate is very similar to the cry of the human child.
Purring - an important part of the cat's interspecies communication: so little kittens attracted the attention of the mother. The same cat do for people - for a pleasant soothing sound hiding demanding call for attention. Purring does not allow you to ignore the cat and is a guarantee that you will continue to do something that the cat remain happy.
via factroom.ru
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