The universe is infinite - the latest research confirms
And she constantly rasshiryaetsya
New data baryons vibrational spectroscopic survey (BKSO) allowed to determine the shape and size of our universe to within 1%. David Schlegel, a physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, says that the universe is probably endless - evidenced by the findings.
Gray spheres in the figure - a sample of baryon acoustic oscillations of the early universe. Galaxies today have a slight tendency to take a spherical shape (the figure is deliberately exaggerated). Comparing the size of the areas (white line) with the predicted value, astronomers can identify with one percent accuracy how far away the galaxies are from each other.
Combined with recent information on the cosmic microwave background radiation (KMFI) and data on the growth of supernovae BKSO results suggest that dark matter - a cosmological constant force, which does not change in space or in time. This conclusion does not fully coincide with the general theory of relativity, and the researchers say that "the understanding of the physical causes of the accelerated expansion remains one of the most interesting problems in modern physics».
via factroom.ru
New data baryons vibrational spectroscopic survey (BKSO) allowed to determine the shape and size of our universe to within 1%. David Schlegel, a physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, says that the universe is probably endless - evidenced by the findings.
Gray spheres in the figure - a sample of baryon acoustic oscillations of the early universe. Galaxies today have a slight tendency to take a spherical shape (the figure is deliberately exaggerated). Comparing the size of the areas (white line) with the predicted value, astronomers can identify with one percent accuracy how far away the galaxies are from each other.
Combined with recent information on the cosmic microwave background radiation (KMFI) and data on the growth of supernovae BKSO results suggest that dark matter - a cosmological constant force, which does not change in space or in time. This conclusion does not fully coincide with the general theory of relativity, and the researchers say that "the understanding of the physical causes of the accelerated expansion remains one of the most interesting problems in modern physics».
via factroom.ru
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