The largest beaver dam in the world
Creation of the "little people"
Beavers are natural lumberjacks, they have sharp incisors that serve them excellent "saws". And yet they have incredibly strong jaws. With his teeth Beavers fell trees and then out of the trees, they build dams and "lodges". Beavers are so strong that during the day they can move a mass at least 10 times the weight of their bodies. It is about 225 kg. One beaver fells per year, more than 200 trees. Having at their disposal a sufficient number of trees, they can easily expand their dam a few meters a day, and as a result of their surrounding landscape is changing rapidly. In addition to the big trees the animals are constantly dug mud, stones and debris collected rocks, trying to deepen the pond, and thus make your home a little more spacious.
Considering their hyperactive behavior and their tendency to build, it can be assumed that these creatures, if you give them the opportunity to be able to build something really huge. And they did it in the Canadian National Park, Buffalo. Beavers this park built their dam with 70s, and never showed the desire to stop their work. When the dam was measured for the last time, its length is about 850 meters, and it was considered the largest beaver dam in the world. The length of the most common beaver dams is 10-100 meters.
Surprisingly, the park staff had no idea about the existence of the dam up to the 2007 year. It was then that one researcher found it with the help of Google Earth, at a time when analyzing the melting of permafrost in northern Canada. It may seem strange that the dam remained unnoticed for so long, but we should not forget that the size of the park is huge (it is an area larger than Switzerland), and the area in which they live beavers, very difficult to reach for most people. Currently busy beaver dam extension of two smaller ones on either side of the main dam, and if they will keep the present rate of construction a few years, all of this can turn into one superplotinu a kilometer long. Besides man, no other creature does not change the environment so that it makes the beaver. It is because of this characteristic feature of the local Indian tribes always revered beavers, and even gave them the nickname of "little people».
via factroom.ru

Beavers are natural lumberjacks, they have sharp incisors that serve them excellent "saws". And yet they have incredibly strong jaws. With his teeth Beavers fell trees and then out of the trees, they build dams and "lodges". Beavers are so strong that during the day they can move a mass at least 10 times the weight of their bodies. It is about 225 kg. One beaver fells per year, more than 200 trees. Having at their disposal a sufficient number of trees, they can easily expand their dam a few meters a day, and as a result of their surrounding landscape is changing rapidly. In addition to the big trees the animals are constantly dug mud, stones and debris collected rocks, trying to deepen the pond, and thus make your home a little more spacious.
Considering their hyperactive behavior and their tendency to build, it can be assumed that these creatures, if you give them the opportunity to be able to build something really huge. And they did it in the Canadian National Park, Buffalo. Beavers this park built their dam with 70s, and never showed the desire to stop their work. When the dam was measured for the last time, its length is about 850 meters, and it was considered the largest beaver dam in the world. The length of the most common beaver dams is 10-100 meters.

Surprisingly, the park staff had no idea about the existence of the dam up to the 2007 year. It was then that one researcher found it with the help of Google Earth, at a time when analyzing the melting of permafrost in northern Canada. It may seem strange that the dam remained unnoticed for so long, but we should not forget that the size of the park is huge (it is an area larger than Switzerland), and the area in which they live beavers, very difficult to reach for most people. Currently busy beaver dam extension of two smaller ones on either side of the main dam, and if they will keep the present rate of construction a few years, all of this can turn into one superplotinu a kilometer long. Besides man, no other creature does not change the environment so that it makes the beaver. It is because of this characteristic feature of the local Indian tribes always revered beavers, and even gave them the nickname of "little people».

via factroom.ru
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