Incredibly strange, "Lady Macbeth effect"
The desire of the famous lady scrub hands with blood, as it turns out, is under a very real osnovu
One of the most famous plays of William Shakespeare's "Macbeth", tells the story of power-hungry general who comes to power by killing the King of Scotland. Of course, he never would have done it if this was not pushed his wife, Lady Macbeth. However, the femme fatale soon discovers that kill in cold blood - it's not so easy, and suffers from pangs of conscience. Tormented by guilt, Lady Macbeth thinks his hands in her blood, and she furiously washing his fingers, trying to get rid of the imaginary gore.
Of course, this is not the only case. In the Gospel, for example, famously Pontius Pilate "washed his hands" of Jesus passing crowd for execution. In fact, many perpetrators boys and girls trying to moisturize hands and researchers to come up with even a catchy name for this phenomenon: "The effect of Lady Macbeth." And this effect is incredibly powerful.
In 2006, researchers at the University of Toronto Chen-Bo Zhong and his colleagues conducted a series of tests on a group of subjects to blame. First, researchers asked subjects to recall their past. Some were asked to recall their good deeds while others were asked to recall their actions are not too ethical. Then the subjects were given sheets of paper and asked to complete the unfinished words such as «W _ _ H» and «SH _ _ ER». As it turned out, people who talked about their sinful deeds, wrote «WASH» (eng. "Wash") and «SHOWER» (eng. "Shower"), and people who remember their good works, often written words such as «WISH» (eng. "I wish") and «SHAKER» (eng. "Pepper»).
In the second test, the subjects were asked to recall once again its ethical and unethical, and then offered a choice of either a pencil or an antiseptic wipe. You probably will not be surprised to learn that three quarters of those who are thinking about their misdeeds, choose napkins.
And what does all this mean? According to Jung, "the purity of the environment surrounding the test may have an effect on their moral behavior." Unfortunately, this influence is not always positive. Zhong fears that people who symbolically washed his hands, may begin to feel better, for all their faults, and may refuse to take responsibility for their unethical practices. In other words, the act of washing gives them something like a sense of forgiveness. Perhaps that is why many people say that cleanliness - next to godliness.
via factroom.ru

One of the most famous plays of William Shakespeare's "Macbeth", tells the story of power-hungry general who comes to power by killing the King of Scotland. Of course, he never would have done it if this was not pushed his wife, Lady Macbeth. However, the femme fatale soon discovers that kill in cold blood - it's not so easy, and suffers from pangs of conscience. Tormented by guilt, Lady Macbeth thinks his hands in her blood, and she furiously washing his fingers, trying to get rid of the imaginary gore.
Of course, this is not the only case. In the Gospel, for example, famously Pontius Pilate "washed his hands" of Jesus passing crowd for execution. In fact, many perpetrators boys and girls trying to moisturize hands and researchers to come up with even a catchy name for this phenomenon: "The effect of Lady Macbeth." And this effect is incredibly powerful.

In 2006, researchers at the University of Toronto Chen-Bo Zhong and his colleagues conducted a series of tests on a group of subjects to blame. First, researchers asked subjects to recall their past. Some were asked to recall their good deeds while others were asked to recall their actions are not too ethical. Then the subjects were given sheets of paper and asked to complete the unfinished words such as «W _ _ H» and «SH _ _ ER». As it turned out, people who talked about their sinful deeds, wrote «WASH» (eng. "Wash") and «SHOWER» (eng. "Shower"), and people who remember their good works, often written words such as «WISH» (eng. "I wish") and «SHAKER» (eng. "Pepper»).
In the second test, the subjects were asked to recall once again its ethical and unethical, and then offered a choice of either a pencil or an antiseptic wipe. You probably will not be surprised to learn that three quarters of those who are thinking about their misdeeds, choose napkins.
And what does all this mean? According to Jung, "the purity of the environment surrounding the test may have an effect on their moral behavior." Unfortunately, this influence is not always positive. Zhong fears that people who symbolically washed his hands, may begin to feel better, for all their faults, and may refuse to take responsibility for their unethical practices. In other words, the act of washing gives them something like a sense of forgiveness. Perhaps that is why many people say that cleanliness - next to godliness.
via factroom.ru
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