Hundreds of microscopic mites live on your face right now
These tiny organisms called demode (demodex) or Zheleznitsa, they have 8 legs, are close relatives of spiders, and the most interesting live on your face right now. Scientists say that each of us is happy carrier hundreds of mites that live in the area of eyelashes and eyebrows.
So look at Zheleznitsa mikroskopom
They were first discovered in 1842
Generally on our face and inside the home to several species of ticks: Demode folliculorum and Demode brevis
D. folliculorum live in our hair bags, while D. brevis live in the sebaceous zhelezah
Scientists have discovered that these mites do not emit any excrement, for this they do not have even the anus. All of its waste products are stored in our bodies until his death, after which they are engaged in devouring bakterii
These mites have 4 limbs on each side of the front part of the body
It is still unknown why they live on our face, and what they eat, some scientists say that they eat dead skin cells, while others say that they eat the oil from the sebaceous our zhelez
Horror, is not it? We hasten to please you, these little mites do not harm our body and in most cases they carry passes completely unnoticed, although in rare cases they can contribute to the development of certain skin diseases such as rosacea (rosacea) 59,073,743
Here's another "hopeless," the news, get rid of the mites is almost impossible, of course treatment for them there, but usually they come back within six weeks after the procedure
So look at Zheleznitsa mikroskopom

They were first discovered in 1842
Generally on our face and inside the home to several species of ticks: Demode folliculorum and Demode brevis

D. folliculorum live in our hair bags, while D. brevis live in the sebaceous zhelezah

Scientists have discovered that these mites do not emit any excrement, for this they do not have even the anus. All of its waste products are stored in our bodies until his death, after which they are engaged in devouring bakterii

These mites have 4 limbs on each side of the front part of the body
It is still unknown why they live on our face, and what they eat, some scientists say that they eat dead skin cells, while others say that they eat the oil from the sebaceous our zhelez

Horror, is not it? We hasten to please you, these little mites do not harm our body and in most cases they carry passes completely unnoticed, although in rare cases they can contribute to the development of certain skin diseases such as rosacea (rosacea) 59,073,743
Here's another "hopeless," the news, get rid of the mites is almost impossible, of course treatment for them there, but usually they come back within six weeks after the procedure
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