Fitness for the brain: custom exercises that effectively develop your intellect!
The sad truth, if not daily train the brain, he can forget how to think. It's a fact - without stress our brain aging, decrepit, does not want to carry the usual mental operations. Like muscles, which dry out, if you throw a workout, without charging the mind fades by leaps and bounds. But if the load is - gray cells grow in the literal sense of the word. Scientists describe the process: the formation of new synapses between neurons, the cortex becomes thicker and more tortuous, in the matter of the brain grow new capillaries, axons conduct nerve signals faster, more complex functional connections between individual brain structures.
Neyrobika - it is very simple and fun exercise for the brain, which will help you keep a clear mind, and even develop a series of remarkable abilities. Try to run a craving for anything unusual at every free moment, performing domestic duties, on the way to work and to shop, sitting in front of a TV or computer. Do exercise fun, with enthusiasm - the brain really like emotions.
1. Turn on the work of the left hand (or right if you're left-handed). Try it to brush their teeth, buttoning her blouse, soup, typing on a computer keyboard and write a letter. Why do this? The activation of the motor cortex is transferred from the left to the right hemisphere of the brain, which is conducive to creativity and thinking outside the box. Be creative person finally!
2. experiencing new sensations, to develop new skills. Move on your own apartment, which you know well, take a shower with your eyes closed. Try to touch a coin to determine the dignity that lies in your pocket. Contract with home all day to communicate only in sign language. Why do this? "Heating up" to limit new sensory areas of the brain that usually involves little or no work, it is also a good exercise for the neurons throughout the brain. Boldly experimenting with the perception of this world, and you will notice a lot around!
3. Do not be afraid to change the familiar image. Wear new clothes unusual, try a new make-up, experiment with hair color and hairstyle. A man feels different, examples of the new image (think "effect jacket" for male or "pins" for women!), And it is changing the way of thinking. Be different, and life will be noticeably brighter!
4. Walk trips and new routes to work (even if unfamiliar road will be longer), Travel frequently, try to spend a vacation in a new place, go to museums and exhibitions. Thus developed spatial memory, and even increased the size of the hippocampus, according to recent research physiologists. New experiences nourish the brain, like manna from heaven.
5. More often change the interior at home and work, weekly rearrange things in the apartment, change the place of kitchen utensils, try to prepare for the Overseas recipes, buy a new perfume. A few minutes walk around the apartment wearing on his right leg high heels, and on the left - sneakers. Habits tire cord and novelty stimulates the sensory inputs of the brain, makes life more vivid and memorable.
6. Learn overexposed trivial answer questions such as "how are you?", "What's new?", Think every time a new phrase - give up stereotypes, memorable anecdotes, jokes invent itself new, interesting stories - and be sure to Sparkle them in conversation. If you approach everything uttered creatively, from different sides, by the same token stimuliruesh memory and speech center in the brain - the left temporal region of Wernicke's and Broca's areas.
Be always in good shape, this also applies to your body and brain. Our body - an amazing system, it responds to your desire to get better immediately. Try these exercises, and the result will not be long in coming. This is the path to knowledge of the world through art, and perhaps that it will make you feel happier, more confident, thinking person.
Stimulate your brain to develop friends - send them this article!
via takprosto cc
Neyrobika - it is very simple and fun exercise for the brain, which will help you keep a clear mind, and even develop a series of remarkable abilities. Try to run a craving for anything unusual at every free moment, performing domestic duties, on the way to work and to shop, sitting in front of a TV or computer. Do exercise fun, with enthusiasm - the brain really like emotions.
1. Turn on the work of the left hand (or right if you're left-handed). Try it to brush their teeth, buttoning her blouse, soup, typing on a computer keyboard and write a letter. Why do this? The activation of the motor cortex is transferred from the left to the right hemisphere of the brain, which is conducive to creativity and thinking outside the box. Be creative person finally!
2. experiencing new sensations, to develop new skills. Move on your own apartment, which you know well, take a shower with your eyes closed. Try to touch a coin to determine the dignity that lies in your pocket. Contract with home all day to communicate only in sign language. Why do this? "Heating up" to limit new sensory areas of the brain that usually involves little or no work, it is also a good exercise for the neurons throughout the brain. Boldly experimenting with the perception of this world, and you will notice a lot around!
3. Do not be afraid to change the familiar image. Wear new clothes unusual, try a new make-up, experiment with hair color and hairstyle. A man feels different, examples of the new image (think "effect jacket" for male or "pins" for women!), And it is changing the way of thinking. Be different, and life will be noticeably brighter!

4. Walk trips and new routes to work (even if unfamiliar road will be longer), Travel frequently, try to spend a vacation in a new place, go to museums and exhibitions. Thus developed spatial memory, and even increased the size of the hippocampus, according to recent research physiologists. New experiences nourish the brain, like manna from heaven.
5. More often change the interior at home and work, weekly rearrange things in the apartment, change the place of kitchen utensils, try to prepare for the Overseas recipes, buy a new perfume. A few minutes walk around the apartment wearing on his right leg high heels, and on the left - sneakers. Habits tire cord and novelty stimulates the sensory inputs of the brain, makes life more vivid and memorable.

6. Learn overexposed trivial answer questions such as "how are you?", "What's new?", Think every time a new phrase - give up stereotypes, memorable anecdotes, jokes invent itself new, interesting stories - and be sure to Sparkle them in conversation. If you approach everything uttered creatively, from different sides, by the same token stimuliruesh memory and speech center in the brain - the left temporal region of Wernicke's and Broca's areas.

Be always in good shape, this also applies to your body and brain. Our body - an amazing system, it responds to your desire to get better immediately. Try these exercises, and the result will not be long in coming. This is the path to knowledge of the world through art, and perhaps that it will make you feel happier, more confident, thinking person.
Stimulate your brain to develop friends - send them this article!
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