How quickly calculate percentages in mind. Now the absence of a calculator will not catch you by surprise.
We often have to quickly calculate percentages in mind, but do not always have a calculator handy. For example, you went to the store and you need to calculate how much it would cost a thing as a discount or leave a tip to the waiter. If you are often faced with this problem, .cc has prepared for you a useful video tutorial, which clearly shows how you can quickly calculate percentages in mind. Watch and learn!
If you think interest rates without any problems, then show the video to their baby. They will be happy to see such a clear example of their academic performance in math class will improve dramatically!
via takprosto cc
If you think interest rates without any problems, then show the video to their baby. They will be happy to see such a clear example of their academic performance in math class will improve dramatically!
via takprosto cc
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