How to develop emotional intelligence: social skills, which you were not taught in school.
At school we were taught history, geography, mathematics and other subjects. But few people paid attention to the inner world, namely how to correctly identify emotions and to deal with them. And it is no less important than science. American researcher Daniel Goulmen determined that success depends on the ability to manage their emotions to a much greater extent than by mental capacities. For example, there are many entrepreneurs who gather and organize people around her, many times more intelligent than themselves. Here the matter is emotional intelligence - the ability to understand their feelings and emotions, use them and manage them for the benefit of themselves.
There is a scale that measures the emotional intelligence of man, but there are some characteristics that can be assessed personality. Of these components, and develops emotional intelligence. Here they are:
1. Self-consciousness
Self-awareness involves understanding their own feelings. It is important to pay attention to how you build the idea that you feel. It presupposes the existence of an accurate assessment of what you can do and when you need help.
2. Municipality
It is the ability to keep their emotions under control. Thus people can easily discuss the differences and to avoid actions that might arise out of a sense of pity or panic.
3. Motivation
The person must be motivated not only monetary compensation. He must do something in order to have fun, to satisfy the curiosity or simply to be useful.
4. Empathy
It is important to be able to read and understand other people's emotions and respond to them.
5. Social skills
There are certain rules that arise emotions. For example, understanding the reasons for which the source is now angry, allow to calm him first, and then get what you want from him. Social skills will help you to be persuasive, to find common ground with others, and to manage them in a production environment.
Tip for the development of emotional intelligence:
Lead blog. At the end of each day, write down what happened to you, how did you feel and how to handle it. Periodically look through the diary and make conclusions.
Ask the other. Ask questions of people you know about their strengths and weaknesses. Write down everything that they said they compare with their perception and look for patterns.
Take a break. Before you react to something, pause. You have enough for two or three seconds to think, is it true you're doing. That's why online chat is always easier.
Direct the emotions in the right direction. For example, if you have something not work - you're angry. Direct that anger at the results and does not fall in any case hand.
Identify what you really want out of life. Do not pay attention to the generally accepted social model of a successful person. Think about what it is you want.
Choose the person with whom you can consult in difficult situations
The ability to manage emotions is sometimes more important than the use of the mind. Develop your emotional intelligence, and you will see how you begin to prosper in life.
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There is a scale that measures the emotional intelligence of man, but there are some characteristics that can be assessed personality. Of these components, and develops emotional intelligence. Here they are:
1. Self-consciousness
Self-awareness involves understanding their own feelings. It is important to pay attention to how you build the idea that you feel. It presupposes the existence of an accurate assessment of what you can do and when you need help.
2. Municipality
It is the ability to keep their emotions under control. Thus people can easily discuss the differences and to avoid actions that might arise out of a sense of pity or panic.
3. Motivation
The person must be motivated not only monetary compensation. He must do something in order to have fun, to satisfy the curiosity or simply to be useful.
4. Empathy
It is important to be able to read and understand other people's emotions and respond to them.
5. Social skills
There are certain rules that arise emotions. For example, understanding the reasons for which the source is now angry, allow to calm him first, and then get what you want from him. Social skills will help you to be persuasive, to find common ground with others, and to manage them in a production environment.
Tip for the development of emotional intelligence:
Lead blog. At the end of each day, write down what happened to you, how did you feel and how to handle it. Periodically look through the diary and make conclusions.
Ask the other. Ask questions of people you know about their strengths and weaknesses. Write down everything that they said they compare with their perception and look for patterns.
Take a break. Before you react to something, pause. You have enough for two or three seconds to think, is it true you're doing. That's why online chat is always easier.
Direct the emotions in the right direction. For example, if you have something not work - you're angry. Direct that anger at the results and does not fall in any case hand.
Identify what you really want out of life. Do not pay attention to the generally accepted social model of a successful person. Think about what it is you want.
Choose the person with whom you can consult in difficult situations
The ability to manage emotions is sometimes more important than the use of the mind. Develop your emotional intelligence, and you will see how you begin to prosper in life.
Share this interesting article on emotional intelligence with your friends!
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