Scientists have discovered a dead star that is 10 million times brighter than the Sun! An incredible event ...
Do you think the sun bright? NASA said that their latest X-ray telescope recorded the dead star that emits energy 10 times greater than our sun.
Super-bright pulsar, the brightest ever recorded, is located at a distance of 12 million light years from Earth. This is a prime example of the mysterious ultrabright X-ray sources, or PRI.
This discovery was quite unexpected, since the PRI previously thought black holes that consume matter nearby stars. When scientists noticed a ripple in the energy data collected, they thought that it is a completely different source.
X-rays are considered matter generated when it is heated during the approach close to the object, in this case with the pulsar. Although most of their luminosity emitted in the form of X-rays, it is possible that the star also emits visible light.
Very interesting, how much light the star emits, but it can be seen only through a super-power telescopes.
In any case, this is a surprising discovery makes scientists scratching their heads. It could pave the way for understanding the nature of these objects.
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Super-bright pulsar, the brightest ever recorded, is located at a distance of 12 million light years from Earth. This is a prime example of the mysterious ultrabright X-ray sources, or PRI.
This discovery was quite unexpected, since the PRI previously thought black holes that consume matter nearby stars. When scientists noticed a ripple in the energy data collected, they thought that it is a completely different source.
X-rays are considered matter generated when it is heated during the approach close to the object, in this case with the pulsar. Although most of their luminosity emitted in the form of X-rays, it is possible that the star also emits visible light.
Very interesting, how much light the star emits, but it can be seen only through a super-power telescopes.
In any case, this is a surprising discovery makes scientists scratching their heads. It could pave the way for understanding the nature of these objects.
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