Through the eyes of a child, everything looks different. The experiment, which will make you think about it.
The French association «Noémi» stands for the rights of people with special needs. Among other activities, its representatives have organized an educational game called "Through the Eyes of the Child" for children and their parents. According to the rules, participants had to copy the gestures and facial expressions, displayed on the screen. But, unfortunately, our society is arranged so that most of us feel a barrier between healthy people and those to whom nature has been less supportive. Children also do not care you are a disabled person or an ordinary man - they all take for their. So why adults do not take their example?
«Noémi» trying to set up a society on a positive perception of people with special needs. You should not divide the world into "us" and "them", thus belittling someone's dignity. We must remember that we are all equal.
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«Noémi» trying to set up a society on a positive perception of people with special needs. You should not divide the world into "us" and "them", thus belittling someone's dignity. We must remember that we are all equal.
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20 of the most unusual pictures of cats taken in the right place at the right time. Funny is nowhere!
In just 2 minutes you will see the incredible footage that this man was shooting 90 years. Indescribably beautiful!