17 differences between East and West in bright illustrations. Just in the bullseye!
"West is West, East is East, and never the twain shall meet," - wrote almost half a century ago, the great Englishman Rudyard Kipling. Until now, the statement is often interpreted in terms of the fundamental incompatibility between the Eastern and Western mentality. They say, too, we are different, there is nothing to try to understand each other! However, those who have read the whole ballad poet, know that it deals with are not the differences, but on the general outlook in the western and eastern man! Similarities we have much more than you originally imagined.
The artist Yan Liu, draw this series of illustrations, it belongs to both worlds at once. Before 14 years she has lived in China, after - moved to Germany. Thus she was able to afford to feel the essence of the differences of eastern and western cultures. Her creative talent gave the opportunity to touch to this experience and to us. Illustrations western approach to the situation shown on the left in the blue square, and east - on the right, in red.
1. As a person presents his point of view
2. Behavior in line
3. The behavior at a party
4. Place the "I" in the overall system and its importance
5. Troubleshooting
6. The relationship between mood and weather
7. The daily life of the older generation
8. The noise level in drinking establishments
9. Perception bosses
10. Features Public Relations
11. The preferred mode of transport
12. Place the child in the family
13. The behavior of tourists abroad
14. Fashionable Food
15. Favorite drink
16. Features casual dining
17. Understanding punctuality
As you can see, the differences in short supply. However, understanding them - a step to understanding each other. That is perhaps what she wanted to achieve Yang Liu for his illustrations. I enjoyed the selection? Share with a friend!
The artist Yan Liu, draw this series of illustrations, it belongs to both worlds at once. Before 14 years she has lived in China, after - moved to Germany. Thus she was able to afford to feel the essence of the differences of eastern and western cultures. Her creative talent gave the opportunity to touch to this experience and to us. Illustrations western approach to the situation shown on the left in the blue square, and east - on the right, in red.
1. As a person presents his point of view

2. Behavior in line

3. The behavior at a party

4. Place the "I" in the overall system and its importance

5. Troubleshooting

6. The relationship between mood and weather

7. The daily life of the older generation

8. The noise level in drinking establishments

9. Perception bosses

10. Features Public Relations

11. The preferred mode of transport

12. Place the child in the family

13. The behavior of tourists abroad

14. Fashionable Food

15. Favorite drink

16. Features casual dining

17. Understanding punctuality

As you can see, the differences in short supply. However, understanding them - a step to understanding each other. That is perhaps what she wanted to achieve Yang Liu for his illustrations. I enjoyed the selection? Share with a friend!
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