The Internal Universe
If you do not have enough thrills and you want to see something magnificent, mysterious and even a little scary, you do not need to go far. The fact that our body - it is super complicated mechanism, every screw which plays a very important role. Today we want to shock you a little, and told the 25 incredible facts about the human body that you hardly ever hear. I am sure that after these interesting discoveries you start to appreciate your body more.
1. Your spine 1 cm long, when you wake up than when you go to bed. B>
2. Red blood cells for 60 seconds through a full systemic circulation. B>
3. When you really want to use the toilet, your bladder is considerably increased in size. B>
4. Most babies are born blue-eyed. As a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays of the iris color change. B>
5. Most people in the Western Hemisphere for the life of eat about 50 tons of food and drink an average of 50 000 liters of liquid. B>
6. To completely restore the nail plate from the ground, the body will require six months. B>
7. Every minute through the vessels of the brain takes 75% of the blood present in the body. B>
8. The maximum allowable temperature for the human body - 44 degrees Celsius, is extremely rare - 45. B>
9. The biggest glutton in your body is the brain! It consumes about 20% of oxygen and 20% of total calories entering the body. B>
10. Each kidney consists of 1 million cells that continually purified 1, 3 liters of blood and excreted about 1, 5 liters of urine each day. B>
11. In yay * Kah men is approximately 500,000 * atozoidov stole, but only 400 of them have a real chance of getting into yay * ekletku. B>
12. All people have their own unique smell. One exception is the * tsevye twins. B>
13. Your stomach is constantly creating new cells and destroys the old. B>
14. The day your body produces about half a liter of sweat. He goes through the 500,000 sweat glands. B>
15. 90% of all the information your brain receives through sight. So that people can with certainty be called visual creatures. B>
16. You will not be able to tickle yourself. B>
17. A total of 15 g of a hormone called adrenaline - dose, which is enough for all people of the world. B>
18. Your bones can withstand a greater load than concrete. B>
19. If you rastyanesh as a sheet, her skin, she will be able to cover the surface area of more than 6 m. B>
20. Over a lifetime, a person produces much saliva that can fill two swimming pools. B>
21. Saliva is necessary to man in order to dissolve the food before he tries it. B>
22. Every day, the body produces many men spe * us that theoretically it could fully populate the earth in just six months. B>
23. In just 30 minutes. your body produces as much heat as you need to boil about 4 liters of water.
24. If all the capillaries in your body stretch in a straight line, you get the distance from Los Angeles to Atlanta. B>
25. People who dream more likely to have a high level of IQ. B>
via ofigenno ru
1. Your spine 1 cm long, when you wake up than when you go to bed. B>

2. Red blood cells for 60 seconds through a full systemic circulation. B>

3. When you really want to use the toilet, your bladder is considerably increased in size. B>

4. Most babies are born blue-eyed. As a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays of the iris color change. B>

5. Most people in the Western Hemisphere for the life of eat about 50 tons of food and drink an average of 50 000 liters of liquid. B>

6. To completely restore the nail plate from the ground, the body will require six months. B>

7. Every minute through the vessels of the brain takes 75% of the blood present in the body. B>

8. The maximum allowable temperature for the human body - 44 degrees Celsius, is extremely rare - 45. B>

9. The biggest glutton in your body is the brain! It consumes about 20% of oxygen and 20% of total calories entering the body. B>

10. Each kidney consists of 1 million cells that continually purified 1, 3 liters of blood and excreted about 1, 5 liters of urine each day. B>

11. In yay * Kah men is approximately 500,000 * atozoidov stole, but only 400 of them have a real chance of getting into yay * ekletku. B>

12. All people have their own unique smell. One exception is the * tsevye twins. B>

13. Your stomach is constantly creating new cells and destroys the old. B>

14. The day your body produces about half a liter of sweat. He goes through the 500,000 sweat glands. B>

15. 90% of all the information your brain receives through sight. So that people can with certainty be called visual creatures. B>

16. You will not be able to tickle yourself. B>

17. A total of 15 g of a hormone called adrenaline - dose, which is enough for all people of the world. B>

18. Your bones can withstand a greater load than concrete. B>

19. If you rastyanesh as a sheet, her skin, she will be able to cover the surface area of more than 6 m. B>

20. Over a lifetime, a person produces much saliva that can fill two swimming pools. B>

21. Saliva is necessary to man in order to dissolve the food before he tries it. B>

22. Every day, the body produces many men spe * us that theoretically it could fully populate the earth in just six months. B>

23. In just 30 minutes. your body produces as much heat as you need to boil about 4 liters of water.

24. If all the capillaries in your body stretch in a straight line, you get the distance from Los Angeles to Atlanta. B>

25. People who dream more likely to have a high level of IQ. B>

via ofigenno ru
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