Worlds Dusan Krtolitsa

My name is Dusan Krtolitsa boy and he's only 11 years old. He accurately depicts the anatomy of people, as well as a variety of flora and fauna. Some of his characters have already become extinct, but the works of this prodigy, they seem more alive.

The first boy drew a whale, but the parents did not attach any importance to this. But now pictures of Dusan say many adults artists!

At the age of 8 years in the arsenal Dusan had two solo exhibitions. And today, he and his work have already visited the United States, Australia and India.

Young talent wants to publish a book about animals with their illustrations. But in the future, now it is a normal kid.

By the way, the boy draws quite a long time, despite his young age. Even in the two years he first picked up a pencil, and since then the painting was his favorite pastime. If you like creative soul would certainly tell about it to your friends!

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