All that remains of the 2004 Olympic Games. In this construction it has been spent 16, 6 billion ...
Greece - the birthplace of the Olympic Games. The history of this competition goes back almost three thousand years ago. However, unlike ancient Greece, modern Greeks have little reason to be proud of the Olympic Games. In 2004 in Athens, held its twenty-eighth Olympic Games, a total of 11 years of sports facilities with the Olympic village turned into real ruins.
Preparing for the Olympic Games flew to the Greek government a lot of money. According to some estimates, the total costs amounted to more than $ 16 billion. The main costs fell on the shoulders of taxpayers, as investors are in no hurry to invest in the construction of narrow-purpose sports facilities.
It's only been a decade, and the ultra-modern sports facilities proved unnecessary. Now you can make films about ghost towns. A lot of money is actually wasted. A sad example of the Olympic Games in Athens cools the ardor of other countries wishing to host the Olympic Games, and also makes us think of those who have already hosted the greatest sports of today.
Arena beach volleyball court is overgrown with weeds.
After the Olympics, it planned to convert into a concert stage, but since then there took place only one performance. Eurovision winner Helena Paparizou performed here in 2005. B>
Training Grounds gradually turn into a jungle.
The Olympic Village was a real ghost town.
All around the desolation reigns ...
2300 the premises in which athletes and quartered, to put it mildly, were not very happy with the terms, planned to convert into residential neighborhoods. These plans did not come to fruition.
Floating in the pool debris plunges into depression.
Around the weeds and rust ...
Now swimming pool unless the frog.
Non-ferrous metals, and things that were of any value were stolen.
Not so long ago there were training the best athletes of the world.
Entrance to the former Olympic village is more like entering the exclusion zone.
Softball Stadium turned into a wasteland.
In Europe, and so few people are interested in softball, and now it is also deleted from the program of the Olympic Games.
Arena baseball looks no better than softball.
The sports facilities were not wanted.
Some seats broken by vandals.
sports facilities completely alienated.
Remains screen flutter in the wind like a sail ghost ship.
Rowing Canal and slalom course and canoeing are among the best in the world.
Now unique building completely abandoned.
Who will recognize in this swamp-the-art facility for aquatic competition?
The crowd was just a decade came to a state of ruins!
This electronic scoreboard after only a couple of weeks.
Information screen near the rowing canal altogether broken.
About the original grandeur reminiscent of only fragments of tablets with Olympic symbols.
The pool can now jump except suicide ...
Of course, in such tragic consequences brought a combination of factors, chief among which was the lack of plan for the use of sports facilities after the Olympics. I hope that the Greek lesson is learned by other countries in the future will not happen again ... If you are impressed by the desolation of Olympic facilities in Athens, then Share this post with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
Preparing for the Olympic Games flew to the Greek government a lot of money. According to some estimates, the total costs amounted to more than $ 16 billion. The main costs fell on the shoulders of taxpayers, as investors are in no hurry to invest in the construction of narrow-purpose sports facilities.
It's only been a decade, and the ultra-modern sports facilities proved unnecessary. Now you can make films about ghost towns. A lot of money is actually wasted. A sad example of the Olympic Games in Athens cools the ardor of other countries wishing to host the Olympic Games, and also makes us think of those who have already hosted the greatest sports of today.
Arena beach volleyball court is overgrown with weeds.

After the Olympics, it planned to convert into a concert stage, but since then there took place only one performance. Eurovision winner Helena Paparizou performed here in 2005. B>

Training Grounds gradually turn into a jungle.

The Olympic Village was a real ghost town.

All around the desolation reigns ...

2300 the premises in which athletes and quartered, to put it mildly, were not very happy with the terms, planned to convert into residential neighborhoods. These plans did not come to fruition.

Floating in the pool debris plunges into depression.

Around the weeds and rust ...

Now swimming pool unless the frog.

Non-ferrous metals, and things that were of any value were stolen.

Not so long ago there were training the best athletes of the world.

Entrance to the former Olympic village is more like entering the exclusion zone.

Softball Stadium turned into a wasteland.

In Europe, and so few people are interested in softball, and now it is also deleted from the program of the Olympic Games.

Arena baseball looks no better than softball.

The sports facilities were not wanted.

Some seats broken by vandals.

sports facilities completely alienated.

Remains screen flutter in the wind like a sail ghost ship.

Rowing Canal and slalom course and canoeing are among the best in the world.

Now unique building completely abandoned.

Who will recognize in this swamp-the-art facility for aquatic competition?

The crowd was just a decade came to a state of ruins!

This electronic scoreboard after only a couple of weeks.

Information screen near the rowing canal altogether broken.

About the original grandeur reminiscent of only fragments of tablets with Olympic symbols.

The pool can now jump except suicide ...

Of course, in such tragic consequences brought a combination of factors, chief among which was the lack of plan for the use of sports facilities after the Olympics. I hope that the Greek lesson is learned by other countries in the future will not happen again ... If you are impressed by the desolation of Olympic facilities in Athens, then Share this post with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
When photographing a magician ... 17 pictures taken at the right time!
All that remains of the 2004 Olympic Games. In this construction it has been spent 16, 6 billion ...