Buzz Aldrin is developing a 25-year plan for the colonization of Mars
The veteran Buzz Aldrin Space is developing a plan of colonization of Mars, which is планируется implemented for 25 years. He does this not once, but with the Florida Institute of Technology. The plan provides the foundation colony of Earthlings on Mars in 2039, just on the 70th anniversary of the lunar mission Apollo 11.
Aldrin took part in the signing ceremony of the project at the university, which is located less than an hour's drive from the Космического Kennedy Center NASA . The project envisages the creation of a space center named Aldrin on the basis of the Florida Institute of Technology.
85-year-old Aldrin, who landed on the moon after Neil Armstrong, will work as a professor and researcher of Aeronautics, plus will work as a consultant at the Institute.
Buzz Aldrin hopes that his "master plan" Mars exploration is approved as an agency NASA, and the US government, with the participation of international partners. As for NASA, the agency is already working on the creation of spacecraft and launch vehicle to send a manned mission to Mars by the mid 2030's.
According to Aldrin, his plan, providing the foundation of the colony on Mars in 2039, is quite real. Additionally, a plan can be optimized and change as necessary. The astronaut says that sending humans to Mars without a "return ticket" - not too good solution, more real look "Crew" expedition period of 10 years, after which the colonists replaced by the next batch of volunteers. As a transit point, you can use the moons of Mars - Phobos and Deimos.
Now both scientists and businessmen are increasingly talking about the need for the colonization of Mars. One of the supporters of settlement of the Red Planet is Elon Musk. According to the mask, you need to populate Mars as soon as possible, so that by the year 2100 on the Red Planet was about a million people. Millions of people will be able to ensure sufficient genetic diversity to avoid problems in the development of human populations associated with insufficient "Genetic Foundation».
It must be done based on several considerations. Firstly, the population of the neighboring planet will save civilization, if the Earth itself a catastrophe. Secondly, the population of planets in the solar system - is something of a springboard for the man to the stars. It is an experience that will colonize any other planet in any other region of the universe.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/261100/
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