Experiments with ultraviolet inks
Have you ever thought about how to try your hand at shooting portraits UV? Cover Model UV inks - a professional painting or just creative splashes - highlight it in the dark, and then take a picture of glowing results?
Many photographers do not hurry with similar experiences. The idea seems to them costly, moreover, it is "dirty" work. But the results of these endeavors are obtained completely outrageous. Take a look, for example, in the ultra-portraits of photographers such as Benjamin Von Wong Guselnikov Maxim, Andrei Zhukov and other professionals:
Many photographers do not hurry with similar experiences. The idea seems to them costly, moreover, it is "dirty" work. But the results of these endeavors are obtained completely outrageous. Take a look, for example, in the ultra-portraits of photographers such as Benjamin Von Wong Guselnikov Maxim, Andrei Zhukov and other professionals: