The new Google project helps to determine the feasibility of installing solar panels

The search giant launched its new project called Project Sunroof (in Russian view is not available). This map service, the functionality of which is to calculate the feasibility of energy installations on the roof of his house solar panels and calculate the economic benefit from it.
Mechanics work Project Sunroof based on cartographic material Google Earth, however, taken into account a number of additional parameters. The user will need to enter your address to outline the roof area and after a short break to get the results of calculations. Taken into account many factors, such as the height of the sun above the horizon, the shadows of nearby objects, such as nearby buildings or trees, and averaged forecast in this area in order to have an idea about the number of sunny days per year. As a result, the user can see how many hours per year, the solar panels will generate electricity, about the area that they can take on the roof, and the actual amount of savings that will bring the panel for a predetermined time period.
In addition, if the user will be impressed by the calculations, it is immediately able to find suppliers of solar panels, to see the price of the installation, taking into account the received settings for a particular home, and decide on the order. However, since the calculations used specific information tied to particular locations, the service Sunroof available so far only in a few US cities: San Francisco, Fresno and Boston.
View a video of the project can be in the video below:
In California, a nonprofit organization Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund free produces and installs solar panels on the roofs of private houses poor people who could never afford imagine a method of producing electricity. By the end of next year, free solar panels must be equipped with 1,600 homes. According to approximate calculations, the savings for a home for 30 years is $ 22 800.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260406/