Armored SUV Limousine Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG tuned Canadian company INKAS.

Armored SUV Limousine Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG tuned Canadian company INKAS.
The cost of such cars, without customs clearance, is at least 450 thousand dollars. But it all depends on the requirements and wishes of the customer. As can be seen from the standard "cube" version INKAS Limo different lengthened by 60 cm and a body bronekapsuly that provides protection level B6 / B7.

This "Gelendvagen" able to withstand a circular firing of AKM assault rifles and powerful M16, SVD, Steyr, Heckler & Koch. Monolithic armored plate thickness of a finger firmly on top of passenger shelters, providing protection from the explosion of two grenades ligament on the roof. Bottom provides protection against fragments antimagnetic bottom - armored plate thickness greater than 8 mm confidently assumes the energy of the explosion three hand grenades in the area of the rear seat. Chassis and engine are also protected - this allows INKAS Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG to stay on track and quickly leave the scene of the attack.