In Japan, we opened the hotel, where visitors service robots
Earlier this year I wrote about a new Japanese hotel Henn-na, where guests must meet the robots . The hotel opened July 15, 2015, and there were more robots than we thought.
dinosaur English-speaking guests explains how to register at the hotel. I>
In the lobby, visitors are greeted robot actroid, welcomes guests in Japanese, English-speaking dinosaur and one less scary robot. "If you want to register, press" A "," - said the dinosaur. The visitor enters their own information to the terminal.
Guests of the hotel serve multiple robot servants , delivering luggage, folding things in wardrobe and invites you to breakfast. Drones outside guests are treated to a snack. Instead, the keys in the Henn-na use facial recognition system visitors.
For one night visitor will pay eighty dollars: Catering for all its strangeness is classified as low-cost. The rooms - at least the facilities, but everything you need, you can order a plate. Instead of a conventional air conditioning system, to find a warm person in the room by adjusting the temperature.
The robot arm is a cloakroom. Guests leave their belongings in the cell, the robot puts in the closet.
Robot receptionist gives things in the customer number.
Each room has a - a robot concierge Tuly. He can not call a taxi, but invites you to breakfast and tells of the events. The robot responds to simple questions such as "How much time" and "What is the weather will be tomorrow" and turns off the light.
The hotel employs people. They monitor security cameras, so that none of the guests is not stolen or broke any robot. Also, robots are still not learned how to fill the beds, said one of the developers of the project.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/253666/
dinosaur English-speaking guests explains how to register at the hotel. I>
In the lobby, visitors are greeted robot actroid, welcomes guests in Japanese, English-speaking dinosaur and one less scary robot. "If you want to register, press" A "," - said the dinosaur. The visitor enters their own information to the terminal.

Guests of the hotel serve multiple robot servants , delivering luggage, folding things in wardrobe and invites you to breakfast. Drones outside guests are treated to a snack. Instead, the keys in the Henn-na use facial recognition system visitors.
For one night visitor will pay eighty dollars: Catering for all its strangeness is classified as low-cost. The rooms - at least the facilities, but everything you need, you can order a plate. Instead of a conventional air conditioning system, to find a warm person in the room by adjusting the temperature.
The robot arm is a cloakroom. Guests leave their belongings in the cell, the robot puts in the closet.

Robot receptionist gives things in the customer number.

Each room has a - a robot concierge Tuly. He can not call a taxi, but invites you to breakfast and tells of the events. The robot responds to simple questions such as "How much time" and "What is the weather will be tomorrow" and turns off the light.

The hotel employs people. They monitor security cameras, so that none of the guests is not stolen or broke any robot. Also, robots are still not learned how to fill the beds, said one of the developers of the project.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/253666/
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