SpaceX has tested the emergency rescue of astronauts to the spacecraft Dragon X

Company Elon Musk successfully tested emergency rescue system for astronauts Dragon X. In this case, instead of living people participated in tests the mannequin is surrounded by 270 various sensors, sensors, sound and video recording equipment. The whole system of surveillance had to fix the load on the mannequin and the general situation inside the vehicle. Launch held at 16:00.
We used 8 engine type SuperDraco, whose body had been printed the 3D-printer. The engine develops a large enough power for 2 seconds to lift the capsule 100 meters and 5 seconds - 500 meters. Due to such a high speed of the creators are hoping to steal the ship and crew from dangerous places in the event of an emergency.
Under the "dangerous place" means a booster. If there is an emergency (fire, decompression, etc.), the security system is activated, and the capsule with the astronauts simply drops from the accident site. Such a system is able to save the lives of many astronauts as abnormal situations that threaten the life and health of the team, yet, unfortunately there .
The maximum height to which the mass of the capsule rose to 8 tons, was one and a half kilometers. At this height, the capsule disconnected from the carrier, and then made a soft landing (parachute) in the Atlantic Ocean, about 1 km from the coast.

The total flight time was 1, 5 minutes.

It is worth noting that the first flight of astronauts to the ISS, the ship Dragon, will happen in 2017.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/250020/
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