Scientists have found drugs, anti-aging

American scientists and researchers ( Scripps Research Institute , private Mayo Clinic and others.) обнаружили a new class of drugs that slows down the aging process, reduce the effects associated with these diseases, improve the cardiovascular system and prolong life. work has been published in the journal Aging Cell.
Scientists tested on animals two medications. One of them - an antineoplastic agent directional дазатиниб (Trademark Spraysel). Second - кверцетин, substances that help from edema, cramps, inflammation, and is contained in many fruits, vegetables, leaves and grains. As a result of experiments, it was found that these drugs kill senescent cells - these cells in the body that have stopped dividing and only accumulate with age, contributing to the aging of the organism. Scientists have named a new class of drugs & quot; senolitiki & quot ;.
Researchers regard the discovery as the first major step in the development of drugs that can prolong life and help fight age-related diseases.
In combination, these two drugs are beneficial effects on mice and human tissue cells. Dasatinib cope with the cells of which are formed senescent human fat cells, quercetin and performed well when dealing with human vascular cells and murine stem cells from bone marrow.
After the combination of medicines entered the mice old only once, those five days feel better, and began to show better results in various tests on physical endurance. Also, these drugs significantly improved the condition of mice weakened by chemotherapy drugs. The effect of the actions of a single injection of drugs in some cases persisted for as long as seven months.
Periodic use of drugs to mice prone to accelerated aging, increased their life expectancy, delayed the appearance of age symptoms, manifestations of spinal degeneration and osteoporosis.
Drugs have a long testing for the presence of side effects before they can be used on humans.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247092/