Why should I wash a teapot
I do not want to wash the teapot.
-I Hope.
-Nazovi At least one reason why I should do it.
Laurent: It has emerged a new form of life, it is probably reasonable. Given the frenzied pace of development, very soon they will send envoys and want independence, attract the world community through the media, will appeal to tolerance, we will be obliged to honor their customs and laws. First they announced their kitchen area, and then demand compensation for the many years of ruthless extermination relatives. Proclaim a constitutional monarchy moldy and evicted us from the apartment. In the meantime, we will sink to the bottom of the social, they will get the right to vote and participate in the political life of the country. Prior to the enslavement of mankind will remain a matter of weeks.
-Understand Realized went to wash. But with a proud feeling that I'm saving the planet.