Grandiose projects, victims fiasco
History knows a lot of great projects that heralded a great success, but their creators awaited big disappointment. It was nine such projects we remember in this post.
Where did sayings
The most popular idea of robots on Kickstarter
Expression of human emotions animals
Who is building a fusion reactor
12 lessons of project management and launch startups
Astrological forecast for May for all zodiac signs, Tamara Globa told us what awaits us
"Man on a knife edge" - John Carmack, milestone achievements and contribution to the game industry
In Moscow, neutralized black realtors
How to Increase Your Literacy Level
Prison - work
The most dangerous desert in the world
85 sites to search for telework
Where in Russian cities do wishes come true?
Midlife crisis — the ass-kicking to a new life
The genius of the XIX century and the creation of a giant
Experience Gleb Tyurin on the revival of villages
Astrological forecast for November 2023 from Tamara Globa
I am a man of chaos
Renewable energy sources on Kamchatka and in Yakutia – the symbol of the new power industry of Russia
- Human Chaos
The jump from orbit
Unfulfilled projects of Soviet architecture (13 photos)
The fears of childhood — what parents need to know
Find out why your self-esteem is falling and what it means to you.
Where did sayings
The most popular idea of robots on Kickstarter
Expression of human emotions animals
Who is building a fusion reactor
12 lessons of project management and launch startups
Astrological forecast for May for all zodiac signs, Tamara Globa told us what awaits us
"Man on a knife edge" - John Carmack, milestone achievements and contribution to the game industry
In Moscow, neutralized black realtors
How to Increase Your Literacy Level
Prison - work
The most dangerous desert in the world
85 sites to search for telework
Where in Russian cities do wishes come true?
Midlife crisis — the ass-kicking to a new life
The genius of the XIX century and the creation of a giant
Experience Gleb Tyurin on the revival of villages
Astrological forecast for November 2023 from Tamara Globa
I am a man of chaos
Renewable energy sources on Kamchatka and in Yakutia – the symbol of the new power industry of Russia
- Human Chaos
The jump from orbit
Unfulfilled projects of Soviet architecture (13 photos)
The fears of childhood — what parents need to know
Find out why your self-esteem is falling and what it means to you.
Sanctuary of cats in California
Creative progress Picasso example crossbows