Futuristic world Yevgeny Kazantsev
Today we offer you to get acquainted with bright and unusual patterns illustrator and digital artist from the Russian city of Anapa, Eugene Kazantsev. At first glance, the usual for today's landscapes, complemented by a completely unexpected elements.
A series of drawings of the talented Russian Evgeny Kazantsev, affecting virtually all of futuristic theme. For the most part, they are so thematically and are called: "The past in the future» (Past in the Future), «Cataclysm happens» (Cataclysm Happens), «Wonder» (Wonders of the World). Each figure is worked out with incredible detail, and themselves the subjects of future harmoniously and naturally fit into the overall plan.
A series of drawings of the talented Russian Evgeny Kazantsev, affecting virtually all of futuristic theme. For the most part, they are so thematically and are called: "The past in the future» (Past in the Future), «Cataclysm happens» (Cataclysm Happens), «Wonder» (Wonders of the World). Each figure is worked out with incredible detail, and themselves the subjects of future harmoniously and naturally fit into the overall plan.