SkyCycle - Japanese slides with pedals
In the amusement park Washuzan Highland, in the Japanese city of Okayama, is a unique attraction that is very similar to the familiar to us all roller coasters, the only feature that visitors themselves need to pedal to move.
Carts are made in the form of a pair of booths with pedals, which are placed in front of the basket for storage. Despite the fact that not SkyCycle offers visitors a steep elevation changes, the adrenaline rush is guaranteed, as the hills are located on hilly terrain and below you there are gaps in the whole ten yards. In addition, the cabins are not equipped with a protective frame, so you are completely free in the movements of the arms and legs. For security reasons, only the seat belt.
Carts are made in the form of a pair of booths with pedals, which are placed in front of the basket for storage. Despite the fact that not SkyCycle offers visitors a steep elevation changes, the adrenaline rush is guaranteed, as the hills are located on hilly terrain and below you there are gaps in the whole ten yards. In addition, the cabins are not equipped with a protective frame, so you are completely free in the movements of the arms and legs. For security reasons, only the seat belt.