Michael Clarke Duncan, birthday
Michael Clarke Duncan was born on December 10, 1957 in Chicago (IL). As a child, Michael dreamed of becoming a professional footballer, the more data that he had magnificent: tall and very strong constitution. Michael grew up without a father, and because of the fear that her son might get hurt, his mother forbade him to play football, not realizing that this could push him down a path of drugs and gangs. But Michael was never the bad guy, and, having lost the opportunity to play football, he turned his sights on the film - he had a dream of becoming a famous actor.
After graduating from high school, Michael Duncan entered the University "Alcorn" (Mississippi), but was not able to finish it, because he had to help his sister Judith to care for her sick mother, and for this purpose it was necessary to return to Chicago. Here he took a job at the gas company, where Michael earned his living by digging trenches.
Before we get to Hollywood, Duncan had to work as a security guard, in nightclubs, as well as one of the theatrical producers. In Los Angeles, Michael hired himself an agent, but the food had to earn through its colorful figures, working as a bodyguard for such stars as Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx.
He first appeared in commercials and TV shows, and then he began to take out small as bodyguards, in the film "Players Club", "Bulvord." But the star Michael Clarke Duncan came up when he starred in the sci-fi movie "Armageddon", where he played the role of a petroleum-astronaut. Then, at the urging of Bruce Willis, producer Frank Darabont invited Michael to the role of John Coffey in the movie "The Green Mile." This role has been enthusiastically endorsed by the critics.
This was followed by shooting in the movies: "9 yards", "Daredevil," where he had to gain 40 pounds overweight, and "The Scorpion King", during the filming of which accidentally hit Michael Dwayne Johnson.
Many roles Duncan associated with animals: the role of the Bear in "Armageddon," Attar in "Planet of the Apes," the voice-over dog Sam in "Cats & Dogs" and so
The best movies with Michael Clarke Duncan are: "Armageddon" (1998),
"The Green Mile" (1999), "9 yards" (2000), "Planet of the Apes" (2001), "The Scorpion King" (2002), "Daredevil" (2003), "Sin City" (2005), "The Last Mimzy "(2007).
On the night of 12 on July 13, 2012 Michael Duncan had a heart attack and cardiac arrest. His girlfriend called an ambulance and had the necessary resuscitation procedures, resulting to save his life.
September 3, 2012 Duncan died in Los Angeles, and has not recovered from a serious heart attack

After graduating from high school, Michael Duncan entered the University "Alcorn" (Mississippi), but was not able to finish it, because he had to help his sister Judith to care for her sick mother, and for this purpose it was necessary to return to Chicago. Here he took a job at the gas company, where Michael earned his living by digging trenches.
Before we get to Hollywood, Duncan had to work as a security guard, in nightclubs, as well as one of the theatrical producers. In Los Angeles, Michael hired himself an agent, but the food had to earn through its colorful figures, working as a bodyguard for such stars as Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx.

He first appeared in commercials and TV shows, and then he began to take out small as bodyguards, in the film "Players Club", "Bulvord." But the star Michael Clarke Duncan came up when he starred in the sci-fi movie "Armageddon", where he played the role of a petroleum-astronaut. Then, at the urging of Bruce Willis, producer Frank Darabont invited Michael to the role of John Coffey in the movie "The Green Mile." This role has been enthusiastically endorsed by the critics.
This was followed by shooting in the movies: "9 yards", "Daredevil," where he had to gain 40 pounds overweight, and "The Scorpion King", during the filming of which accidentally hit Michael Dwayne Johnson.

Many roles Duncan associated with animals: the role of the Bear in "Armageddon," Attar in "Planet of the Apes," the voice-over dog Sam in "Cats & Dogs" and so
The best movies with Michael Clarke Duncan are: "Armageddon" (1998),
"The Green Mile" (1999), "9 yards" (2000), "Planet of the Apes" (2001), "The Scorpion King" (2002), "Daredevil" (2003), "Sin City" (2005), "The Last Mimzy "(2007).
On the night of 12 on July 13, 2012 Michael Duncan had a heart attack and cardiac arrest. His girlfriend called an ambulance and had the necessary resuscitation procedures, resulting to save his life.
September 3, 2012 Duncan died in Los Angeles, and has not recovered from a serious heart attack