What do the colored marks on the tires?
• First - round colored spots This is usually circular spots about 10 mm in diameter. Come in a variety of colors - the most common are yellow, white, red and green. There may be still other colors, for example - light brown, but it is very rare, and brown bears about the same information as yellow. Usually yellow or white mark the lightest area of the tire. This part of the tire is recommended to combine with nipple drive wheel will be better balanced and require less balancing weights for balancing wheels. It is possible that if it is good to combine (yellow or white) label and nipple, Georgia Balancing does not need. In turn, the red mark on the tire carries other information. As you probably guessed, this is the thickest - heavy part of the tire, it must be installed in front of the pin.
• The second - the number of characters in a circle, a square or rhombus can be applied as white, yellow, blue or red. It is a sign test rubber, something like our stamp "OTC". Means that the check is made of rubber and it corresponds to the quality. But the numbers in this mark means a specific change - the controller, which is responsible for the quality. It should be noted that for the end user that sign bears no semantic load.
• Third - colored strip along the circumference of the tire in the tread These colored labels applied to different colors, on the tread itself, and within the grooves. I must say that for the end user, this information is generally not important. Such colored marks on the tire applied to the manufacturer's warehouse, are information for indexing and storage of tires. So you can quickly would be to find one or another party bus. Here are now colored marks on the tires. As you can see, useful information can only be colored circles on the tires, the remaining tags to the end user is not required.
• The second - the number of characters in a circle, a square or rhombus can be applied as white, yellow, blue or red. It is a sign test rubber, something like our stamp "OTC". Means that the check is made of rubber and it corresponds to the quality. But the numbers in this mark means a specific change - the controller, which is responsible for the quality. It should be noted that for the end user that sign bears no semantic load.
• Third - colored strip along the circumference of the tire in the tread These colored labels applied to different colors, on the tread itself, and within the grooves. I must say that for the end user, this information is generally not important. Such colored marks on the tire applied to the manufacturer's warehouse, are information for indexing and storage of tires. So you can quickly would be to find one or another party bus. Here are now colored marks on the tires. As you can see, useful information can only be colored circles on the tires, the remaining tags to the end user is not required.