37 prettiest young animals in 2014

This proud ulybashka.

This playful pussy.

This elegant cat.

The calf, which carefully combs his little friend.

Kangaroo gets acquainted with his new girlfriend.

Dog and his friends - chickens.

Mama sloth, who kisses her baby before bedtime.

This doggie police on his first day of work.

Clouded leopard with the most beautiful eyes.

Little raccoon after a relaxing bath.

Little Otter, which is very appetizing breakfast.

Corgi kid who has not yet reached his ears.

Little chipmunk.

Fawn gets acquainted with a new friend.


Little Hippo in a playful mood.

Zhirafik who loves his mom.

Small anteater, who loves to pose for the camera.

Red Panda is also able to ogle.

Small vydrochki.

Pig, exploring the beach for the first time in my life.

Elephant, who had just started a new friend.

Brave meerkats.

Little gorilla with his mom.

Vydrenok who has learned to say "Syyyr!».

Cat with a mustache and socks.

Dear predator.


Proud baby.


Zhirafik that never departs from mommy.

Smiling kangaroo who wishes you a great day.

Tiny red panda dinner.

Small and hungry wombat.

Kangaroo enjoying breakfast.

Little lynx, who knows a lot about ambushes and pumpkins.