The Chinese space program: own rover, space station by the end of the next five-year period plus heavy booster

China is actively developing its own space program is not limited to flights to the moon and plans to take away a bit of lunar soil to study. On the contrary, the more successfully implemented the various stages of the Chinese space program, the more new stages of planning to the Chinese.
The other day Fanpey Lee, head of the Chinese corporation of space science and technology, shared some of the details of the future of China's space program.
rover in 2020

The Chinese are planning to send a rover to Mars own, to explore the Red Planet. Who specifically for this mission developed booster Long March-5, which will take away from the lander rover to Mars itself.
After the successful landing of the Chinese lunar rover, China experts decided to use a design "Yutu" as the basis for the Martian ground unit. Model of such a device has been described in the Geektimes .
Space station in 2022

China plans and the establishment of a manned orbital station Chinese. These plans are realized for quite some time, and now some of the stages of the project have been completed. For example, many modules, mechanisms and elements of the station are ready.
Development and production of other elements is also under reazilatsii, including space lab Tiangong-2 cargo ship Tianzhou-1 rocket Long March-7 and spacecraft Shenzhou-11. Two main module and two space laboratory will soon be tested on "aptitude".
Almost ready and Hainan launch site - this is the fourth launch site in China. It is located at 19 degrees north of the equator, which opens up opportunities by Chinese experts. This launch site will be used to launch space rockets heavy, deep space exploration vehicles, launch vehicles to send space station modules.
Space laboratory Tiangong-2 will be tested as early as 2016, with the ship Shenzhou-11 and "truck Tianzhou-1. And in 2018 the main module of the space station will be sent into space.
By 2022, China's orbital space station should be fully ready ... it consisted will have three parts: the main unit and two laboratories. Each module will weigh about 20 tons.
Tiangong-1 was launched in September 2011. In June 2012 Shenzhou-9 performed the first controlled operation docking with Tiangong-1.
Heavy booster
Powerful booster country needs to carry out the key stages of outer space, including the moon landing (with people). Now comes the development of 460-ton oxygen-kerosene engine and the 220-ton engine on liquid hydrogen.
Creating a heavy launch vehicle is scheduled to perform for 15 years, so that such a missile into space will go no earlier than 2030. In this case, the payload can be taken about 130 tons (low orbit). The main burden will be carried out missile in 2030-2050 years.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242621/