Nanofilms can replace the damaged retina
Israeli scientists разработали flexible film that has the potential to serve as a basis for creating a "prosthesis" retina and restore sight to people with damaged retina or suffering from retinal degeneration, макулодистрофией. The work of scientists published in the journal Nano Letters. Photosensitive film to create a combination of semiconductor nanorods and carbon nanotubes. For operation it does not need wires or power supply.
Special neurons are genetically sensitive to light. The new science of optogenetics has been studying these neurons and the effect on them. The resulting film stimulate these neurons, when it gets light. Scientists were able to achieve their stimulation in chicken embryo, which are at a stage of development where they have not yet formed the retina. Most previous attempts to restore vision devices are used in metal and silicon, requires an external power supply, and the implantation procedure is very complicated.
Professor Yael Haneyn , under whose direction goes the study, said: "Compared with other technologies, our material is more hardy, flexible and effective and better stimulates neurons. We are still far from replacing a damaged retina. If we compare this material with silicon-based devices to be carried out and the power supply - it is a breakthrough in research in this direction. "
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242649/
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