NASA to provide an updated picture of Europe, Jupiter's moon
Here is the updated image of Europe (NASA, полноразмерная version )
Europe - a moon of Jupiter, planet of the gas giant. Europe has long attracted the attention of scientists and science fiction, especially the fact that the moon's surface is covered with many kilometers thick layer of water ice. Most likely, the scientists believe, under the ice - ocean, and it can be warm for various reasons.
Well, liquid water exists on the moon for millions of years - potentially habitable Wednesday. What is hidden there under the ice, no one knows, but many tend to learn it. Now experts create designs missions in Europe, missions that could give us more information about this property. But while new information about Europe not, including images, must be content with what we have.
And NASA recently introduced a new version of the famous image of Europe, from photographs obtained Galileo back in the 95th and 98th years of the last century. But made of these photos integrally with the help of modern methods of image processing.
The original image was made up of individual photos with lower resolution and heavily modified colors (you can watch it here ).
This is how the first version looked image presented in 2001
New image looks would look like the surface of Europa, if looked at her man, ie color rendition - realistic.
The results of processing the photos are impressive - you can now see how heterogeneous surface of Europa as radial cracks and splits on its surface. Images obtained using near-infrared filters, green and violet range. Then color corrected, taking into account the actual wavelengths. "White spots" in the photo were filled by fitting the intended these gaps when compared with neighboring regions.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242454/
Simple Science - digest experiments # 38
In the US, the industry of solar panels employing more workers than in coal mines