Eyewitnesses videotaped mysterious glow in the Ural sky

Residents Sverdlovsk region videotaped mysterious glow in the sky. Explain what it is, citizens find it difficult, researchers also speculated. Local media admit that over the Urals seemed NLO.Video, which depicted a strange glow over the highway, was shot on November 14 at the camera car DVR. Currently it appeared four days later. "On Friday (14/11/2014 at 17:40) observed a flash in the sky, on the road in front of Rezhom. In the news about it found nothing. Maybe someone else has seen? What was it all? "- The author wrote in a comment on a roller nemu.

Judging from the video itself, the street was dark, and the road was covered only headlights when the sky flashed a yellow-orange light. Strange phenomenon lasted only a few seconds, then the light pogas.
