Yaki globalni problemi obgovoryuyutsya in sogodnіshnіh noviny?

In Perche Cherga itself naygolovnisha h i terminova them - the end of the world is the theme viyni on nashiy planetі. Konflikti practical points in vsih zemnoї kulі - "rozbudili" "wake" of the great kilkist kraїn on vsiy planeti.

Press dіlit tsi konflikti two Vidi:

Purshia view tse vіyskovі konflikti, yaki in your Cherga podilyayutsya on religiyni, kotri infections vidbuvayutsya in Sirії, the one-on teritorіalno tsivіlnі, yakі passing on teritorії Ukraine, yaki visvitlyuyutsya in bagatiy kilkisti noviny üêî . And the other end of the form ekonomіchnі konflіkti. Immediately vzhe vtrutilisya vsi, i Єvropa that the US, i Rosіya, China i great Chastina Azії. Pong truyat one single sanktsіyami, skladayut minds i navіt pogrozhuyut vіyskovimi dіyami, mіzh kraїnami yde іnformatsіyna vіyna.

In sogodnіshnі noviny speak about those scho naystrashnіshe in Tsikh konflіktah those scho kraїni Nuclearity potentsіalom h (y yakih Yea The Weapon is nuclear) mozhut priynyati not properly Reforms i rozv'yazati thirds svіtovu - vzhe Nuclearity vіynu, od yakoї shits bude vsomu svitu, navіt Tim kraїnam yakі not priymali fate in konflіktі. Ekonomіka planet zruynuєtsya, ekologії TER bude not licorice zagalom all happen pochinati s zero. Good luck Vsіm us!


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