Negative portraits of Nick Gentry (Nick Gentry)
You could repeatedly see the creativity of the British artist. The World Wide Web Nick Gentry (Nick Gentry) remembered as the author of paintings and portraits of scotch from floppies. Now, a new variant of creativity.
Nick is constantly looking for something new and never stops at one thing. Originality and surprise use of consumables, make it a trend contemporary authors. It's no secret that talented people are fast enough imitators. The new project is called "Synthetic Dream» (Synthetic Dreams) and will soon leave the Briton the world with his series of works. Those who are not able to visit the exhibition, can always visit an online gallery of the author.

Nick is constantly looking for something new and never stops at one thing. Originality and surprise use of consumables, make it a trend contemporary authors. It's no secret that talented people are fast enough imitators. The new project is called "Synthetic Dream» (Synthetic Dreams) and will soon leave the Briton the world with his series of works. Those who are not able to visit the exhibition, can always visit an online gallery of the author.