16 simple rules for fast-break in life

1. Do not watch TV. Never.
2. Is there such a thing as a "move forward no matter what." Try to help.
3. got the idea? Record.
4. late? Find a way to prevent this.
5. Do not laugh at anyone's dreams.
6. Do not go back to the people who betrayed you. They do not change.
7. Spend more time with their parents - a time when they will not, always comes unexpectedly.
8. Courtesy conquers the city. Use more often.
9. Be able to admit their mistakes.
10. Give up the habit all the time to complain. Nobody is interested in other people's problems.
11. Do not spread gossip.
12. obscure situations always go to bed. Also, in all situations is useful to remember that "this too shall pass».
13. Even when a serious quarrel not try to hurt the person for a living ... You make peace (most likely), and the words will be remembered for a long time ...
14. Speak the truth, and then not have to remember anything.
15. At the beginning of the day do the most difficult and unpleasant task.
When you've done it - the remainder of the day you do not overcome unwanted thoughts.
16. NOBODY owes nothing. Forget the word "should." Throw in the active vocabulary. Otherwise really bogged down in debt, and not only material, but also a moral.