In Michigan may prohibit direct sales of electric Tesla

As mentioned earlier, some states have appeared Tesla major problems: car dealers, who saw a dangerous rival Tesla, try by all means to prohibit the sale of electric vehicles. For example, in the state of Georgia, the owners of car showrooms felt that the only store not sold 150 Tesla cars, and 173, and seeking revocation of the license electric vehicles for sale.
Despite the successes of Tesla in court on this case, a similar problem can now appear in Michigan. Now on the table of the governor of Michigan is a bill that, provided it is signed, put an end to direct sales of cars in the state. And as all other automakers sell their cars through the dealers, the company is the only victim Tesla.
bill itself literally pushed through three major automakers in the state. By the way, originally House Bill 5606, in the name of the bill was to limit the interest earned on the sales of cars dealers. But now the bill has received in the form of addition of the ban on direct selling cars.
Now such laws are developed and other states, including Texas, Arizona and Virginia. Moreover, even before Tesla had to sign a contract with car dealers from Ohio, the essence of which - the obligation of manufacturers of electric cars is not open additional showrooms to sell its cars.
In general, Tesla will have to overcome a lot to prove their right to the sale of electric vehicles to all comers.
Via wsj
Source: geektimes.ru/post/240412/
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