Croatian realist Dino Tomic
Croatian young talent named Dino Tomic (Dino Tomic), prefers to draw with pencils, but is better known as a master of tattoos. Especially, it is popular in Norway, where he works in one of the tattoo parlors.
Sources of inspiration for his drawings, Croat calls sci-fi literature, fantasy, horror and comic books. However, do not shy away from real life and, when confronted with animals and humans. According to the artist, the best way to create your own style, it will be up. Passing through itself is already created by someone, you will gradually find and themselves. And yet, Dino really like the quote by Pablo Picasso that all children are artists, and most importantly, to remain an artist, even when grow up.

Sources of inspiration for his drawings, Croat calls sci-fi literature, fantasy, horror and comic books. However, do not shy away from real life and, when confronted with animals and humans. According to the artist, the best way to create your own style, it will be up. Passing through itself is already created by someone, you will gradually find and themselves. And yet, Dino really like the quote by Pablo Picasso that all children are artists, and most importantly, to remain an artist, even when grow up.