Rosetta - a decade of space travel

Ten years ago, the European Space Agency has sent into space vehicle, which for the first time in history, went into orbit of the comet. In this case, the comet 67P or comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko.

During the ten years of its journey, Rosetta passed our astronomers plenty of useful and rare pictures, as well as a lot of correction information. This summer, the spacecraft passed the first data on the comet 67P, and in November of this year, is intended to land on the surface of the Rosetta comet. This event also will be the first in the history of space exploration. Currently, the spacecraft is at a distance of several tens of kilometers from the surface of the comet. See below for the brightest images associated with "Rosetta". Landing is scheduled for November 11, 2014. The first picture - the object landing probe - Comet 67P. Next: Earth, Moon, Mars, comets and asteroids, and much more.