What stabilizer opt for home

Now almost all our life depends on electricity. If he is not at home, at work, at the cottage or in any other room, then everything stops. And the reason is power outages. Because of this, very often break down and burn all the electrical equipment. The solution to this problem would be the purchase and installation of a voltage stabilizer.
Sam voltage regulator is a device which monitors and maintains the set voltage regardless of fluctuations. This equipment is connected to a network source, where the jumps in voltage occurs. And on him connected equipment, which must be protected from electrical surges. The regulator sets the boundaries for the output voltage (approximately 150V to 250V). At their intersection disconnected power load. After the jump ends, stabilizer starts to work again.
In addition, all devices connected to a surge protector economical in consumption prostoon.com.ua/catalog/stabilizatory-naprya.html electricity. Consequently, the service life of instruments increases significantly.
Now the question is: What is a stabilizer selected home home?
The most common and accessible view of stabilizers is considered an electromechanical stabilizer. Especially recommended voltage regulators model "SNVT" from the "Energy" domestic producers. They are inexpensive and easy to maintain. However, their main features are:
Smooth precision
regulation High resistance to
overload Extended range for regulating
power Minimum number
interference Works with weather conditions from -5 to +40 degrees
Celsius Included in seconds
management system Efficiency (efficiency) at least 98%
Protective function off during emergency situations
The relatively small size with high power
Practical design
Laundry service
Often electromechanical voltage regulators used for air conditioners and boilers. It is especially advantageous to install them for houses and apartments.