Play without a mask
Great goalie NHL - Terry Sawchuk. He literally experience for yourself all the cruelty of the game.
Even after all the hockey goalie mask was used, he continued to play without protection, and dressed her for the first time only in 1962. By the time his face was covered in scars, there were about four hundred.
His body was bruised and cut. Were broken shoulder joints. Repeatedly broken fingers, torn spinal disc. His tortured arthritis. As a child, Terry broke his arm, but because of what later turned for help she did not properly fused, and was shorter than the second.
As it turned out much later, standing at the gate, Terry took a pose with a slope of almost 90 degrees due to back pain. Looking at it, it adopted many other goalkeepers as standing at the gate so actually turned out much easier.
Despite the horrific injury, Terry never gave up and always came back to the ice. Many did not even know about his problems. He had an incredible response and courage, and that obviously helped him to become a four-time Stanley Cup winner and four-time title of Best NHL goaltender.
In total, his career was in 1034 match, 447 victories in the championships and all-time record - 103 matches "in dry».
Once journalists have decided to conduct an experiment, calling make-up artist, so he showed all the scars on his face, Terry, to illustrate his injuries over the years, the make-up artist is not enough for this place.