Entopicheskie phenomena William Hundley
The artist William Hundley calls his project "Entopicheskie phenomenon." As is sometimes the eye sees in the blind spot some shapes and figures, so here flying gizmos like as running out of a number of real things with their uniqueness. They resemble ghosts, as in the photo seem to float in the air. It seems that it intrigues poltergeist.
My work - absurd everything, I love jokes, but so that they are aesthetic.
Entopiya - this is a real phenomenon, they have a material nature. In this and the salt, and the viewer can see and live the existence of these phenomena, that is, it is not an illusion. And in general - is a fusion of the real and the unreal.

My work - absurd everything, I love jokes, but so that they are aesthetic.

Entopiya - this is a real phenomenon, they have a material nature. In this and the salt, and the viewer can see and live the existence of these phenomena, that is, it is not an illusion. And in general - is a fusion of the real and the unreal.