The lift for cyclists in Norway
In Trondheim, Norway came up with the original lift for elderly or tired cyclists to find it easier to get up the hill. Rolls up to him, put his foot on the pedal and she gently pulls you up. Length of lift 130 meters. He recently became free.
Pictures in high, wallpaper resolution
Most unimaginable fillers for ice cream
Traps for cyclists
A "cushion" of security for the bike from the company Hövding
Dismantled cars
10 interesting facts about the marine life
Original Ways to Get Rich
Real photo or photoshop?
10 amazing ideas that brought millions of
Excellent pictures and photos on various topics
Pictures in high, wallpaper resolution
Most unimaginable fillers for ice cream
Traps for cyclists
A "cushion" of security for the bike from the company Hövding
Dismantled cars
10 interesting facts about the marine life
Original Ways to Get Rich
Real photo or photoshop?
10 amazing ideas that brought millions of
Excellent pictures and photos on various topics
Wild water dog
They are still uncovered