Now and forever, this tower will be named "Khalifa"
"Now and forever, this tower will be named" Khalifa "-" Burj Khalifa "" Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Photoshoot of the tallest tower in the world. Twenty days after the opening!
Punching the opportunity to go there, I started back on the ship. First, information was rosy fifty dirhams if book tickets in advance and if a hundred on the spot. Russian-speaking diaspora liner began collecting lists of applicants. Organize a tour before the cruise, it was impossible - the tower was not open. The reality was harsh. Wanting to get into it was so much that taste sensed profit Sheikh, quickly raised the price. Two hundred dirhams if we get it on the day when it should be in Moscow or four today. "One hundred and thirty bucks!" - I whistled, and reached for the money.
But first I had to defend the VIP-all in cash, wanting to part with four hundred dirhams.
Depositing a backpack, buy a ticket. At this my whole VIPov ends. Then all.
Long, long dark corridors and escalators. And all this time promotional materials on the walls of cargo and cargo infoy about how cool it is. How many elephants tower weighs and how many football fields could be her glaze windows. Stages of construction and the date, models and screens ... I began to suspect that all this is forcing a reason.
After a few minutes get to the elevator. Here necessarily all photographed in front of a green background.
Little ordinary jam-packed elevator. Only screens with caption and animated videos to Arabic music tells me that I'm lucky. Even running numbers floors do not have! Nowhere! It is worth noting that the recovery I did not notice, as if to himself on the eighth floor rose.
I very lucky - most recently opened balcony, before the visitors could only watch from the building and through the glass. On what floor I was and how high - I do not know. Somewhere on the Internet flashed information about the four-something feet, but in the tower not reported, and the site where such information is, then is hidden too deep.
Always hanging over Dubai smog, 70% consisting of cement dust. It is said that before the crisis was worse.
There will be a fountain show. I specifically came here in the evening to catch him. Maximum sticking through the opening in the glass hands with the camera to take a picture.
Required frame: "What up there?»
The moon was top
Begins to darken. On impressions - no way. Well high as in an airplane. Only when landing at least captures the spirit, and there are no sensations. Photos are not bad, but almost the same building. This is the most beautiful view of the 180-degree view presented to us.
Security officer hails me and said that the show started fountains. Ran curve having circles, popoyavlyalis here and there and gone. All. "Zavlekalochka" - I thought, to want people gathered, probably.
Half an hour later quickly repeat the same thing. 30 seconds later, I watched a few clips of the Dubai show on YouTube. It turned out - 3 minutes.
Pierced me guard happily shows up: - Look, a bird! On the visor balcony sat a dove. Now I know that it can fly up to a mile.
Naturally, when you exit you can buy souvenirs «AT THE TOP». All written instead of "Burj Khalifa" - "Burj Dubai". Well I do not have time to order the new, I understand. And at the bottom waiting for, as it were, at an altitude photo of me. That's what was needed green screen! So I can myself and draw in Moscow, free of charge. Of course, they are not included in the ticket stotridtsatibaksovy.
Could do without Photoshop - no night, no glare from the glass will not interfere - it would wish. Something like that about.
A fountain show, about which [info] sergeydolya wrote "absolutely magical spectacle", was an ordinary three-minute action. Anyone who has ever seen the like, will not find anything new. "Even in Tsaritsyno better there though, colored light is" - suggested to me then someone from voting.
via ottenki_serogo
Photoshoot of the tallest tower in the world. Twenty days after the opening!

Punching the opportunity to go there, I started back on the ship. First, information was rosy fifty dirhams if book tickets in advance and if a hundred on the spot. Russian-speaking diaspora liner began collecting lists of applicants. Organize a tour before the cruise, it was impossible - the tower was not open. The reality was harsh. Wanting to get into it was so much that taste sensed profit Sheikh, quickly raised the price. Two hundred dirhams if we get it on the day when it should be in Moscow or four today. "One hundred and thirty bucks!" - I whistled, and reached for the money.

But first I had to defend the VIP-all in cash, wanting to part with four hundred dirhams.

Depositing a backpack, buy a ticket. At this my whole VIPov ends. Then all.

Long, long dark corridors and escalators. And all this time promotional materials on the walls of cargo and cargo infoy about how cool it is. How many elephants tower weighs and how many football fields could be her glaze windows. Stages of construction and the date, models and screens ... I began to suspect that all this is forcing a reason.

After a few minutes get to the elevator. Here necessarily all photographed in front of a green background.

Little ordinary jam-packed elevator. Only screens with caption and animated videos to Arabic music tells me that I'm lucky. Even running numbers floors do not have! Nowhere! It is worth noting that the recovery I did not notice, as if to himself on the eighth floor rose.

I very lucky - most recently opened balcony, before the visitors could only watch from the building and through the glass. On what floor I was and how high - I do not know. Somewhere on the Internet flashed information about the four-something feet, but in the tower not reported, and the site where such information is, then is hidden too deep.

Always hanging over Dubai smog, 70% consisting of cement dust. It is said that before the crisis was worse.

There will be a fountain show. I specifically came here in the evening to catch him. Maximum sticking through the opening in the glass hands with the camera to take a picture.

Required frame: "What up there?»

The moon was top

Begins to darken. On impressions - no way. Well high as in an airplane. Only when landing at least captures the spirit, and there are no sensations. Photos are not bad, but almost the same building. This is the most beautiful view of the 180-degree view presented to us.

Security officer hails me and said that the show started fountains. Ran curve having circles, popoyavlyalis here and there and gone. All. "Zavlekalochka" - I thought, to want people gathered, probably.

Half an hour later quickly repeat the same thing. 30 seconds later, I watched a few clips of the Dubai show on YouTube. It turned out - 3 minutes.

Pierced me guard happily shows up: - Look, a bird! On the visor balcony sat a dove. Now I know that it can fly up to a mile.

Naturally, when you exit you can buy souvenirs «AT THE TOP». All written instead of "Burj Khalifa" - "Burj Dubai". Well I do not have time to order the new, I understand. And at the bottom waiting for, as it were, at an altitude photo of me. That's what was needed green screen! So I can myself and draw in Moscow, free of charge. Of course, they are not included in the ticket stotridtsatibaksovy.

Could do without Photoshop - no night, no glare from the glass will not interfere - it would wish. Something like that about.

A fountain show, about which [info] sergeydolya wrote "absolutely magical spectacle", was an ordinary three-minute action. Anyone who has ever seen the like, will not find anything new. "Even in Tsaritsyno better there though, colored light is" - suggested to me then someone from voting.

via ottenki_serogo