The capital of Chukotka. Patrimony Abramovich
-Well Anadyr? What most impressed on the trip? - I asked my mom as soon as I handled with knapsacks on the threshold ...
Hmm. On this question, I would much to answer ... Tell about the surprising nature of the tundra, about the wild animals that come pretty close did not hesitate, about the abandoned military town and the strange tunnels in the mountains, where apparently was something in excess of secrecy about the welcoming locals and the crazy prices in the shops ... I could tell the story of many other impressions of the trip I brought a lot ... but how much in fact, the question that most impressed, I almost did not hesitate to answer:
-Udivitelnoe Local unanimity in their genuine love for Abramovich!
46 photos via livejournal.
2. And it's really true! We decided to abuse power, simply because it is - the power ... It does not matter how and what it does, it is still all to be unhappy ... so accepted. So when you hear the warm reviews of the first persons is noteworthy ... But in Anadyr (as, I suspect, elsewhere in Chukotka), with whoever you started to chat on whatever topic you did not say one way or somehow slips into the story about Abramovich ...
Here the roads are good. It Abramovich did! At home, some bright - it also ...
Indeed, bright houses - this is what immediately attracts attention ... Business Card city and the region! I confess that nowhere else have I never seen ...
6.Obychnye five-story building of the "Khrushchev," standing on stilts because of the permafrost, but painted in different colors with a simple geometric pattern, perhaps more than anything else make the city special and recognizable.
7. We initially laughed when only talking about this topic ... - shares his security chief seaport Vladimir. - Joked saying get drunk, it will be easier to crawl home, each in a different color ... But in the end because how well it! City since before the gray was always ... ... very gray eyes and cling to it was not for that ... Now, how cool!
And, indeed, is only slightly deteriorate the weather, the color as if it disappears, leaving only tints and shades of gray ... Everywhere, with the exception of houses ...
9.Da there at home ... so decoration! Hospital refurbished NGV station built, a branch of the university opened ... Stop, trash cans, pedestrian crossings ... From the edges are only suitable for use in shifts of despair, Chukotka has become a place to live ... and every local is well aware of who they are that are required ...
10.No's not just the same as he was sitting here? Something he's had with this, and probably not a little?
Local offended by such comments.
-And I will say this girl ... What it took, I do not know ... I have never seen and will never see! But that's what he did for me personally, did no one, not before and not after !!! Let him steal, yes ... But he shared ... and shared generously! Very generous ... because nobody else did not share ... And no Chukotka many did not, as Abramovich, who would not say that ...
Roman Abramovich, of course, a person is ambiguous ... and our central Russia accepted to treat him as ambiguous ... range of feelings usually ranges from mild skepticism but outright rejection. But there, in the Chukotka region, virtually everyone is ready to defend him foaming at the mouth ... I can not judge and analyze, but one thing is for sure: a few tens of thousands of people he made happy, even for a short period of time ... and it's worth it!
13. Do you know how he won the election? - Joked one of ours. - Brought to each family on food containers.
Yes - meet local - and the first time we had eaten in a long time!
Many things from the perceived quite differently ...
15.YA here in Moscow was - continues to tell Vladimir during another of our long walk (about which I shall tell) - and there hung a banner, something like a mole living in one country to buy a football club in another country ... it does not matter ... And I saw when I was so hurt ... right up to tears! I'm a grown man, almost in tears ... that they would know who did this poster, as we do everything ... We had before him a fish ate. During his children first saw the sea! Not so, and warm, where you can swim, so colorful T-shirts with short sleeves worn ... And earlier this because nobody knew! So far, out, remember!
And it really is, he took the children in the camp, the elderly in the sanatorium, patients on treatment of young professionals for internships ... It is much more than would have been enough ...
17.A still remember, his boat came here ... Most such beautiful! He pioneers from around the region gathered and ride on this boat on the estuary ... Dalekoooo left! And there in the bottom of the nose to the glass it was so ploschadochka. And so, therefore, they are underwater beauty through it surveyed. I really do not know what we'll see something was ...
-A Nyneshnyuyuyu government does not like? - I ask ...
Yes for what they love what? - It is responsible. - For us they have not done anything! Only wears what remains after Abramovich!
And really ... Bright house more and more touched by decay. While this, of course, not so much to blame for the current power, as the harsh nature of the region ... no joke in the beginning of July in some places even in full snow, and the navigation period began just a couple of weeks ago.
19.A as you our prices? - It is a favorite question of all local. - In the shops that already came? We all visitors first of all retail prices photographed ... then, perhaps, on the mainland show that they believe ...
Perhaps that is why on most items in local shops is simply not worth the price tag ... And maybe for some other, more prosaic reason ... Prices are about 30% more than in Moscow ...
-This Is because the navigation season has started ... -poyasnyayut. - As soon as the first ship arrived, all at once ... twice the price drop! (Yes, 30% more expensive than in Moscow the prices that "fell twice»)
21.More important in the life of the region in general and the city of Anadyr in particular! This is the only way to supply the city with vital goods ... and it happens, only a short period of the northern summer: approximately from late June to early October. This is called "northern delivery". Further estuary gets ice and the only way of communication with the mainland becomes aviation, not the cheapest way ... hence the prices, and they are not alone ...
-Nigde, Never have I seen such an amount of delay in the stores here in the month of May - says Ivan, tugboat crewman, which I had to walk on the estuary (and this I will still tell). - Well, what options are something ... You can, of course, throw out, and nothing to eat!
And in the summer region alive. Many people come here specifically to work during this period, and sailors, and builders and many others ... Anadyr city is small and their hands sometimes not enough, especially in seasonal occupations ...
24.Ves city can get around three hours, - told us when we were just going there. From official sites only church (not gone), but a museum.
26.Iz informal - Tavayvaam area. Taiwan and China, as they call it local ...
Formally, this national settlement, but in fact, only a detached part of the city ... They live Chukchi.
31.I actively thumps, according to the testimony of local ... These people in the body is not something responsible for alcohol ... And because 50 grams of vodka for them is comparable to an honest pint at one of our ... And it's a lot ... Previously (with Abramovich) vodka Chukchi is not sold ... and now ...
-When Still so many drunken Chukchi the yards stagger, - complains Vladimir. - Never been ...
32. There is also a one of the two city beaches ... But of course, in the traditional sense, it is not a beach at all, and so ... the coast strip along the water ... it is a full line of garages and sheds, where you store tackle and some other necessary things ...
34.Letom come here with children, dogs and networks (caught mainly on the network), not only to fishing, but rather just spend time ...
35.Letom come here with children, dogs and networks (caught mainly on the network), not only to fishing, but rather just spend time ...
37.Drugoy this beach is located exactly on the opposite side of the city. To it more difficult to get, so it is little more than a desert.
39.Anadyr itself sometimes seems deserted. Especially in contrast to Moscow anthill. Chukotka, has the status of a border zone: one on his own can not just pick up and come here ... Need a traveling certificate, or an invitation or a challenge ... It's not that hard to do, but the flow of illegal immigrants, however, is limited, the city is very calm.
43.Zdes everyone knows everyone else, and if they do not say hello on the street, it is only because he's already seen ... the windows of the first floor is rare to find the lattice and doors open inwards and do not have combination locks ... But according to legend, this is done in order that in the dead of winter and blizzard, everyone could go to any staircase, warm, and ride out the bad weather ...
Passionate about local and potted plants ... almost all apartments are bound to have flowers, and many windows you can see ... the cucumbers they grow here in the houses instead of some geraniums!
45.A still scurrying around the city free bus where children safely travel unaccompanied ... And it seems that this is also the legacy of Roman Abramovich ...
46. That's all. Thanks to all. Now you can kick for the post.
Hmm. On this question, I would much to answer ... Tell about the surprising nature of the tundra, about the wild animals that come pretty close did not hesitate, about the abandoned military town and the strange tunnels in the mountains, where apparently was something in excess of secrecy about the welcoming locals and the crazy prices in the shops ... I could tell the story of many other impressions of the trip I brought a lot ... but how much in fact, the question that most impressed, I almost did not hesitate to answer:
-Udivitelnoe Local unanimity in their genuine love for Abramovich!
46 photos via livejournal.

2. And it's really true! We decided to abuse power, simply because it is - the power ... It does not matter how and what it does, it is still all to be unhappy ... so accepted. So when you hear the warm reviews of the first persons is noteworthy ... But in Anadyr (as, I suspect, elsewhere in Chukotka), with whoever you started to chat on whatever topic you did not say one way or somehow slips into the story about Abramovich ...
Here the roads are good. It Abramovich did! At home, some bright - it also ...
Indeed, bright houses - this is what immediately attracts attention ... Business Card city and the region! I confess that nowhere else have I never seen ...




6.Obychnye five-story building of the "Khrushchev," standing on stilts because of the permafrost, but painted in different colors with a simple geometric pattern, perhaps more than anything else make the city special and recognizable.

7. We initially laughed when only talking about this topic ... - shares his security chief seaport Vladimir. - Joked saying get drunk, it will be easier to crawl home, each in a different color ... But in the end because how well it! City since before the gray was always ... ... very gray eyes and cling to it was not for that ... Now, how cool!
And, indeed, is only slightly deteriorate the weather, the color as if it disappears, leaving only tints and shades of gray ... Everywhere, with the exception of houses ...


9.Da there at home ... so decoration! Hospital refurbished NGV station built, a branch of the university opened ... Stop, trash cans, pedestrian crossings ... From the edges are only suitable for use in shifts of despair, Chukotka has become a place to live ... and every local is well aware of who they are that are required ...

10.No's not just the same as he was sitting here? Something he's had with this, and probably not a little?
Local offended by such comments.
-And I will say this girl ... What it took, I do not know ... I have never seen and will never see! But that's what he did for me personally, did no one, not before and not after !!! Let him steal, yes ... But he shared ... and shared generously! Very generous ... because nobody else did not share ... And no Chukotka many did not, as Abramovich, who would not say that ...
Roman Abramovich, of course, a person is ambiguous ... and our central Russia accepted to treat him as ambiguous ... range of feelings usually ranges from mild skepticism but outright rejection. But there, in the Chukotka region, virtually everyone is ready to defend him foaming at the mouth ... I can not judge and analyze, but one thing is for sure: a few tens of thousands of people he made happy, even for a short period of time ... and it's worth it!



13. Do you know how he won the election? - Joked one of ours. - Brought to each family on food containers.
Yes - meet local - and the first time we had eaten in a long time!
Many things from the perceived quite differently ...


15.YA here in Moscow was - continues to tell Vladimir during another of our long walk (about which I shall tell) - and there hung a banner, something like a mole living in one country to buy a football club in another country ... it does not matter ... And I saw when I was so hurt ... right up to tears! I'm a grown man, almost in tears ... that they would know who did this poster, as we do everything ... We had before him a fish ate. During his children first saw the sea! Not so, and warm, where you can swim, so colorful T-shirts with short sleeves worn ... And earlier this because nobody knew! So far, out, remember!
And it really is, he took the children in the camp, the elderly in the sanatorium, patients on treatment of young professionals for internships ... It is much more than would have been enough ...


17.A still remember, his boat came here ... Most such beautiful! He pioneers from around the region gathered and ride on this boat on the estuary ... Dalekoooo left! And there in the bottom of the nose to the glass it was so ploschadochka. And so, therefore, they are underwater beauty through it surveyed. I really do not know what we'll see something was ...
-A Nyneshnyuyuyu government does not like? - I ask ...
Yes for what they love what? - It is responsible. - For us they have not done anything! Only wears what remains after Abramovich!
And really ... Bright house more and more touched by decay. While this, of course, not so much to blame for the current power, as the harsh nature of the region ... no joke in the beginning of July in some places even in full snow, and the navigation period began just a couple of weeks ago.


19.A as you our prices? - It is a favorite question of all local. - In the shops that already came? We all visitors first of all retail prices photographed ... then, perhaps, on the mainland show that they believe ...
Perhaps that is why on most items in local shops is simply not worth the price tag ... And maybe for some other, more prosaic reason ... Prices are about 30% more than in Moscow ...
-This Is because the navigation season has started ... -poyasnyayut. - As soon as the first ship arrived, all at once ... twice the price drop! (Yes, 30% more expensive than in Moscow the prices that "fell twice»)


21.More important in the life of the region in general and the city of Anadyr in particular! This is the only way to supply the city with vital goods ... and it happens, only a short period of the northern summer: approximately from late June to early October. This is called "northern delivery". Further estuary gets ice and the only way of communication with the mainland becomes aviation, not the cheapest way ... hence the prices, and they are not alone ...
-Nigde, Never have I seen such an amount of delay in the stores here in the month of May - says Ivan, tugboat crewman, which I had to walk on the estuary (and this I will still tell). - Well, what options are something ... You can, of course, throw out, and nothing to eat!
And in the summer region alive. Many people come here specifically to work during this period, and sailors, and builders and many others ... Anadyr city is small and their hands sometimes not enough, especially in seasonal occupations ...



24.Ves city can get around three hours, - told us when we were just going there. From official sites only church (not gone), but a museum.


26.Iz informal - Tavayvaam area. Taiwan and China, as they call it local ...
Formally, this national settlement, but in fact, only a detached part of the city ... They live Chukchi.





31.I actively thumps, according to the testimony of local ... These people in the body is not something responsible for alcohol ... And because 50 grams of vodka for them is comparable to an honest pint at one of our ... And it's a lot ... Previously (with Abramovich) vodka Chukchi is not sold ... and now ...
-When Still so many drunken Chukchi the yards stagger, - complains Vladimir. - Never been ...

32. There is also a one of the two city beaches ... But of course, in the traditional sense, it is not a beach at all, and so ... the coast strip along the water ... it is a full line of garages and sheds, where you store tackle and some other necessary things ...


34.Letom come here with children, dogs and networks (caught mainly on the network), not only to fishing, but rather just spend time ...

35.Letom come here with children, dogs and networks (caught mainly on the network), not only to fishing, but rather just spend time ...


37.Drugoy this beach is located exactly on the opposite side of the city. To it more difficult to get, so it is little more than a desert.


39.Anadyr itself sometimes seems deserted. Especially in contrast to Moscow anthill. Chukotka, has the status of a border zone: one on his own can not just pick up and come here ... Need a traveling certificate, or an invitation or a challenge ... It's not that hard to do, but the flow of illegal immigrants, however, is limited, the city is very calm.




43.Zdes everyone knows everyone else, and if they do not say hello on the street, it is only because he's already seen ... the windows of the first floor is rare to find the lattice and doors open inwards and do not have combination locks ... But according to legend, this is done in order that in the dead of winter and blizzard, everyone could go to any staircase, warm, and ride out the bad weather ...
Passionate about local and potted plants ... almost all apartments are bound to have flowers, and many windows you can see ... the cucumbers they grow here in the houses instead of some geraniums!


45.A still scurrying around the city free bus where children safely travel unaccompanied ... And it seems that this is also the legacy of Roman Abramovich ...

46. That's all. Thanks to all. Now you can kick for the post.